Incorrect Quotes - Sessions 12-13

Hailey: how does it feel sitting in front of Alex?
Chris: like they’re bored but paying attention anyway, it’s weird
Hailey: how does it feel sitting behind Allan?
Chris: his partial invisibility is weird, but at least he doesn’t block my view of the board

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Nono: you look grumpy
Emma: some moron hit on me earlier
Nono: what did you do?
Emma: gave them true lava’s kiss


Alex: why are you still smiling? Evan tripping was yesterday
Joey: because he missed the best cool line of all time! “Looks like I’m falling for you!”


Evan, overhearing the conversation: Maybe that’s just cause I’ve fallen for someone else :slight_smile:
Joey, breaths sigh of relief for Mette:
Evan: Say Joey, you look quite handsome when you smile. If you aren’t careful you might activate something… primal :wink:
Joey, backs away slowly: :zipper_mouth_face:



Chris: Listen closely. What I’m about to tell you is the key to cooking. The golden rule.
Chris: Don’t ever let a recipe tell you how many chocolate chips to put in. You measure that with the goodness of your heart.
Aliud and Kiln taking notes:
Aliud, raises hand tentatively: Aren’t we making ramen?

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Hailey: Why are you learning how to cook. Aren’t you an android?
Aliud: It is a way to promote social bonding with classmates.
Aliud: And classmate Jillian suggested that making some sort of “baked good” is a way to increase romantic feelings.
Nono: :eyes:


Aliud: the idiom I have learned is “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”
Emma: actually it’s through the rib cage, but you need good aim–
Nono: Not. Helping.


Alycia: (popping head in from the side of the frame) Actually, it is through the stomach if you’re trying to go under the ribcage like a professional –


Not an incorrect quote, but when are we going to see more of the Roddy-Gothwitch-Aliud ship?


Hailey: So, did your baked goods work?
Aliud: Unfortunately no. I’m afraid I need more experience.
Hailey: What went wrong?
Aliud: Apparently Chris is an outlier among human in liking chocolate chips with her ramen.
Hailey: … oh no


I am now imagining shenanigans of various classmates all offering awful romance advice and hilarity ensuing.

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Aliud: what gesture or action would be construed as romantic?
(individual answers follow)

Roy: just follow them around, they’ll see how dedicated you are!
Aliud: I shall modify my pathfinding algorithm accordingly

Kid Kool: when you’re cool, everyone wants to come to you!
Aliud: I underestimated the importance of refrigeration. Perhaps this ties into Chris’s culinary instruction, and chilled foods are superior

Problem Child: don’t look to me for that kind of advice
Aliud: (turning around, facing away) what gesture or action would be construed as romantic?

Vic: if only I knew, I’d tell you
Aliud: I shall share my eventual findings

Hunter: just act like they’re already interested in you, you don’t have to ask
Aliud: I lack data on my own behavior when someone is interested
Hunter: well you’re outta luck
Aliud: Correlation. Acting is key. Acting is taught in theater. A theater tradition is to say “break a leg” to wish one good luck. I shall find a means by which I can break one leg. Secondary hypothesis. Breaking both legs will double my luck

Nono: um, I think it’s best if you just naturally bump into someone and you feel an attraction, and then you keep finding yourselves running into each other
Aliud: mutual collision is not optimal pathfinding behavior, but I will continue to tune my algorithm

Emma: I dunno, just grab 'em and kiss 'em
Aliud: this is the key to romantic success?
Emma: sure
Aliud: I shall study grappling and wrestling techniques. Once I am sure of the first part, I shall study kissing to ensure success at the second

Gothwitch: (long sigh) romance is dead
Aliud: Resuscitation is indicated then? Broken legs also call for medical attention. I should request training in first aid

Poly-Anna: I’d just turn into whoever they wanted most and seduce them
Aliud: a physical remodel of my exterior is a non-trivial effort but I am prepared for it.

Evan: be me. Everyone wants me.
Aliud: this is factually inaccurate. Of the home room members, there are at least–
Evan: (hand over mouth) shush. Don’t spoil the magic.

Seven-Year: nobody could ever want me, so I can’t help you.
Aliud: why?
Seven-Year: because I’m a visual freak
Aliud: please do not disparage your own appearance. Your LIDAR and sonar silhouettes are not affected by your invisibility

Chris: Cooking, I guess, but I don’t know. I think it really depends on who you want to attract
Aliud: are there individuals who do not consume calories?
Chris: uh, probably just you

Jillian: just be popular
Aliud: how do I become popular?
Jillian: style, panache, uniqueness. Be an individual.
Aliud: how do I be an individual?
Jillian: I’ve written an Instagram Influencer’s guide with step by step instructions

Hailey: don’t ask me about any kind of love, I don’t want any part of it
Aliud: may I ask what you would do if someone expressed romantic interest in you?
Hailey: probably freak out
Aliud: very well. I will endeavor not to collide with you, cook for you, or grapple you
Hailey: uh. Thanks


Aliud: Apologies for our accidental collision.
Roddy: …
Aliud: Is something the matter?
Roddy: I think I might be wrong with me…
Aliud: Odd. Is it a trembling feeling in your abdominal or chest region? Those may be signs of something other than illness.
Roddy: No, I just haven’t bumped into to someone by accident in years.
Roddy: You should have been six inches to the left based on the last time I looked at you and you don’t change your path for no reason… oh god, is something wrong with my powers?! I need to go see the nurse. Sorry!
Aliud: …
Aliud: …
Aliud: Noticing and recalling unimportant details can be a sign of affection.


Joey: If you have two bananas, you give her one.
Aliud: Sharing of fruit would seem to be an offer of mutual prosperity and–
Aliud: So you do not share your bananas.
Joey: I’ve actually never liked bananas, so the question hasn’t come up.
Aliud: So in your past romantic experiences, what gestures or actions were effective?
Joey: I – uh – well, back when I was normal, when I had girlfriends, y’know, lots of girlfriends, and, well, you just kinda look at each other, and hold hands, and it’s quiet, and there’s like this flow of … thoughts? And you know each others’ deepest dreams, so you can make them come true, and it’s just like in movies.
Aliud: I see. So by optimizing data transfer rates …
Roddy: (whispering) He’s never actually had a girlfriend, has he?
Alex: (whispering) Probably not for long.


I did it, I wrote the script. Here’s appearances of named people in incorrect quotes, sorted by appearances.

Joey: 42
Alex: 41
Roddy: 20
Kiln: 16
Mette: 14
Jillian: 4
Chris: 3
Gothwitch: 3
Seven-Year: 3
Poly-anna: 2
Agent Waters: 1
Aliud: 1
Emma: 1
Evan: 1
Nono: 2
Problem Child: 1
Hailey: 1


I am in no way surprised by those first two numbers. I am, however, surprised Roddy makes more appearances than Kiln.


Kiln: So.
Mette: So.
Kiln: I am told by the others that we do not talk a lot.
Mette: Yeah, chit-chat was discouraged on the ship. Burns oxygen.
Kiln: Warriors do not “chit-chat” either.
Mette: Wait, “warrior”? I thought you were a battle sorcerer. Or a magitechnician. Or a force ninja. Or something.
Kiln: We had different character class rules back in the day.


Mette: So we should talk more. Bump up our appearance stats.
Kiln: Taciturnity becomes a hero. We are defined by purpose, not by witty, incorrect banter.
Mette: You’re likely to be defined by a change in the team line-up.
Kiln: Wait, what?
Mette: I’ve read the illustrated adventure faxes of this era. Quiet characters go nowhere. One day a new writer comes in, and the quiet ones get written out – dead, or retired, or off on a vision quest. Warriors of few words just don’t make it.
Kiln: Wait, I have read of the “Wolverine.” Is he not also a person a few words?
Mette: Are you kidding? He’s a positive chatterbox. “Bub” this and “The best at what I do” that. It’s really repetitive, but continuous.
Kiln: Are you suggesting I need a catch phrase?
Mette: I admit I can see you charging into battle shouting, “I’m a blast from the past, baby!”
Kiln: I’m glad one of us can. Actually, no, I’m not.


Kiln: Here.
Mette: What are these–?
Kiln: Mystic filters for the eyes. When the Skystar blazes its brightest, what it considers your impudent gaze on its mightiness will be protected from the purpureal demons it sends from on high as punishment.
Mette: You mean … these sunglasses will protect my eyes from the Sun and its UV rays.
Kiln: Yes, well, if you want to take all the fun out of it.