MEGALOS EP. 28 - Lightning in a Battle

(I melded some of this together in the final episode notes)

In light of the new continent receding from the mists, what does this mean for your character?
… C had actually given thought to retiring to Foothold. Maybe even actually becoming part of the community there. Teach fencing lessons. Hang around the dockside tavern. Take out threats to the city if need be. Have the very bestest home for trick-or-treaters to visit.
Of course, he’d be bored out of his skull within a week or two.
But this opportunity … well, curiosity and cats and all that. If the company is good, he’s up for some more exploratory adventures down below.
That fencing studio will always be there when he’s actually ready to retire. (picture)

What does it mean for the people of Foothold? The adventurous will undoubtedly want to explore these new lands, but surely the Empire will not accept this defeat, especially with so many new resources to be claimed.
… the Empire seems to have its own problems (the Atlanteans not least among them). While I have no doubt there will be further shenanigans related to Foothold, if we use it as a home base, I’m sure it will be adequately protected.

What about members of the Light of the Past Expedition? The Professor, Miss Pendleton, the Aarons? Maybe Kavo, if you’re being generous.
… definitely wanting to know more about this new land. As far as C is concerned, letting them provide some direction to our wanderlust seems to have been working out fine. And if we manage to bring back some things that can help Foothold protect itself, all the better.

Will Barry and the Miners be up to no good or have you guys been able to affect a change in them?
… I think Barry will remain ethically challenged, but maybe a bit more benignly. He may need his nose thwapped a few time in the future, but I see him becoming more of an ally than a foe.

What happened to the Custodian? Did Fulmi’s lightning kill him, or were they merely incapacitated?
… Hard to keep a good villain down. I am sure he will show up again, but I suspect as much a threat to the Empire as its agent.

What happened to elemental intelligences: Fulmi, Muka, Foza, and Kuma?
… if a way can be found to harness them in a relatively safe but benign fashion, again, some great defenders for Foothold … or reserve in dealing with greater threats belowl.

What about the two you didn’t find, the elemental dragons of water and earth?
… Perhaps down below?

Finally, some specific questions, though you folks can fob these off one someone else if you desire:

Dave, has Carabas finally escaped his past? Or will his work for the Empire always haunt him?
… It will always be there, to prick his conscience or create a plot complication. But … he’s found people that seem willing to accept and even trust him, and he’s found ways to use his talents to actually protect others. That’s no small thing. And he struck a nice blow at the Empire, which further assuages his conscience.
He’s not going to be “red in the ledger” sort of compulsive like some others. He’s changed his course, he has people who put up with him, and vice-versa. Things are going in the right direction.

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