Gotta give other PCs some meme love too!
author: Bill G.
Gotta give other PCs some meme love too!
author: Bill G.
author: *** Dave H.
And, to provide equal time …
author: *** Dave H.
author: Doyce T.
Not a ghost girl meme, but a tweet - and this time, an actual real one, from a guy I personally know.
author: Bill G.
I wouldn’t call Ghost Girl “Millennial,” though (more Sesquicentennial).
author: *** Dave H.
Maybe she knows a ghost like this. Maybe she acculturates herself. But there it is.
author: Bill G.
I feel like the Quill-Chin rivalry was driven mainly by forehead size.
author: Bill G.
Also not a meme, but memetic anyway. I was talking about the game with my roommate while I drove her home from work, and the concept of getting Jason out to the bar with a fake ID came up.
“Leo, are you sure about this?” “Oh sure, this’ll help him take the edge off, forget about Alycia for a bit.”
“Mr. Quill?” “No, I’m … Jacob Quail. From Hawaii.” The bouncer: ಠ_ಠ. Jason: °Д°. Leo: ರ_ರ
“Alright, Jason, listen. You need to take it easy. First, we’re gonna order something easy, low alcohol content, and something to eat to wash it down with… Let me look at the menu here.”
We look back and Jason is building an Irish Bomb Shot.
Jason: ╯_╰
Leo: ⚆_⚆
Everyone else: (╯°□°)╯
Later, Jason’s limp and lifeless body is dumped into Otto, who is told to take him home, obey the speed limit, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES attract police attention, etc. “He’s gonna throw up at least once. Otto, I’ll take care of the cleaning personally. I’m sorry buddy.”
Next morning, Jason wakes up…
author: Bill G.
Amusing, though, fair being fair, Jason grew up around Rusty, whose idea of breakfast was a few ounces of the hair of the dog. He’s also been around the world and through enough sleazy bars (pursued by assassins! hiding from automatons! keeping an eye on Byron and Rusty!) that he’s not the total naif.
On the other hand, some of those very experiences make him probably _un_likely to indulge, something he’s been almost monklike about even living on his own at the family quarters.
I can see Jason, once given “permission,” overindulging. I’m not at all confidence that it would “take the edge off, forget about Alycia for a bit.” Indeed, he’d probably ramble on a lot about Alycia …
As to waking up – he knows all the hangover cures (cf. Rusty).
One further note. On the one hand, the nanobots are self-cleaning, which helps with any vomit. On the other hand, I’m not sure we want a guy who mentally controls (and is over-extended into) a swarm of nanobots becoming intoxicated …
author: *** Dave H.
*** Dave H. said:
I can see Jason, once given “permission,” overindulging. I’m not at all confidence that it would “take the edge off, forget about Alycia for a bit.” Indeed, he’d probably ramble on a lot about Alycia …
Yeah, I figured a depth charge was a good (and funny) opener for someone who’s had more world experience than the rest.
The “drunken Jason rants about his problems” scene, though, is where you can mine that comedy gold.
author: Bill G.
url: Community Forums: "NOT NOW JASON" [Meme] | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
Hell, it hardly takes getting smashed to get Jason to rant about his problems …
author: *** Dave H.
*** Dave H. said:
Hell, it hardly takes getting smashed to get Jason to rant about his problems …
The difference is:
“Yes, Alycia Chin has some kind of grudge against me. We have a complicated history. I only wish I could dissuade her from furthering her father’s mad grudge against my family.”
“Oh god, Alycia… She musht have been adopted, have you sheen her father?.. But she’s so shmart, I don’t know… why are you trying to murder me? But you liked the cupcakes…”
“Uh, Jason…”
“You ate cupcakes with a smile on your face… We could have had cupcakes! There’sh a great bakery at the little village that’sh a mile from the entrance to Agartha… it’s in Llanfair… it’s in Llan… it’sh Welsh. Oh god the crumpets there! Alycia! She had this little mole, right on her–”
author: Bill G.
url: Community Forums: "NOT NOW JASON" [Meme] | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop
Meanwhile there’s a bar fight which his nanobots are dutifully protecting him from even noticing, which means he’s shirtless.
author: Bill G.
((Laughing. So. Hard.))
“Have you ever huddled for warmth with your arch-nemesis in an inflatable dinghy in the dark on an underground river in the Antarctic? No, no, of course not. Nobody has. That’s a dumb question, Leo. Skip that.”
“Sha la la la la la, my oh my,
Looks like the Quill’s too shy
Ain’t gonna kiss the girl,
Sha la la la la la, ain’t that sad,
It’s such a shame, too bad,
I’m gonna miss the girl …”
“… so the cave wall suddenly explodes, and I’m hoping it’s Dad or Rusty or Amir or Colonel Wittingherm – Wittgenheim – the Brit colonel who inserted us, but it’s Doctor goddamned Achilles freaking Chin, and I’m realizing I’m just in my boxers and Alycia’s in her underwear because the lava level was climbing higher and higher and it’s like a hundred and twenty degrees, and he’s giving me the stink eye and I realize I’m dead and Alycia’s shouting something and Chin is shouting something and it’s all in Chinese and I’ve been blowing off my Chinese lessons and I’m trying to shout that nothing happened and I think I actually shouted something about umbrellas, and then the other cave wall explodes and Dad and Rusty and Amir are all there, and everyone’s shouting and there are laser beams, and the next thing I know …”
“… everyone wears jeans, y’know? Everyone I know wears jeans. Rusty wears jeans. Dad wears jeans. Rusty’s ex, Jasper, wears jeans. Green jeans, but they’re still jeans. I wear jeans. Hell, even Alycia wears jeans. Or cargo pants. Everyone wears jeans or cargo pants. Barbara says I should wear Dockers or Slates. But you know what, Leo. I like jeans. Or cargo pants. They’re comfortable. And the carbo pants – cargo pants have pockets, which is important when you’re collecting rocks to pour into a big machine to make it explode, you know? Three times I had to do it. Alycia has nice cargo pants. So many pockets …”
“How do you solve a problem like Alycia?
How do you catch your own arch-nemesis?
How do you find a word that means Alycia?
A polymath! A villain! A … cute-something-something! Mad scientist!”
“… so then I hear this laughter down the tunnel, and it’s her, you know? Alycia? And it’s not like happy, pleasant, la-la-la little girl laughter, and she’s only like ten or eleven at this point, right? And me, too. I think that’s how old she was. I always sort of assumed – anyway, so there’s this laughter, but it’s this wild, crazy, bwah-ha-ha laughter, right? And this is going on, and on, and each time is different, like she’s trying different fiendish laughs, and there are pauses in-between, so then I’m like, ha, I’ll show her, and I do this crazy laughter on my end of the tunnel. And then this laser beam …”
“Bourbon. Or gin. Depended on where we were. Sometimes vodka. Or rum. Actually, I don’t know that he had a preference. Sometimes he’d give me a sip, then Dad would get all pissed off at him.”
“I can never remember what color her eyes are. I mean, half the time it’s dark, or smoky, or full of explosions, or lightning bolts, or laser beams. Green? Or maybe purple. Something … exotic. You know. Gemstones. So hard, sometimes. I mean, like they could cut right through you. Scary. Scaaaaaaaary.”
“Wait, what’s the difference between bourbon and whiskey and scotch? I mean, it all tastes like burning, right? I never got that. I like this thing, with the – pineapple juice? That’s pineapple, right? Or mango? So many tropical fruits, and the monkeys are always stealing them from you and then chittering like assholes. And the little umbrellas? I always loved those things. I used to collect them, I had, like, this collection of little umbrellas from the different virgin drinks they’d buy us. Dad usually had drinks with umbrellas, too, and I’d take his umbrellas, too.”
“Green. Definitely green. Is that unusual?”
“You know, a woman who knows how to shoot a laser beam, or electrovolteration zappy thing sort of thing, or a rocket-purple … rocket-propelled grenade … that’s really scary. I mean, even when she’s not shooting them at you, you know? But it’s kind of – well, it’s kind of sexy, too, you know? Like that old gal in the Aliens movie? The one in Defenders? “Stay away from her, bitch!” I just wish she … wouldn’t … would … you know …? She’s just so angry, angry angry angry. Too angry. You know, I get angry, too. But never as angry as she is. Stupid angry. Maybe she needs to find a girlfriend to take her out for a drink or two, too, too. Like me. A friend to have a drink. Do you think she’d like umbrellas? Alycia, not her girlfriend. God, you don’t think she’s a lesbian, do you? I mean, that’s cool, whatever, but, God, that would be so embarrassing.”
“Or purple. Definitely green or purple. I think. What were we talking about?”
author: *** Dave H.
author: *** Dave H.
author: Bill G.
Btw, in researching the Breathing post and running across this one, I find I’ve become more and more fond of the Drunken Jason bits, even if it’s just the weird comedic episode of the series / Assistant Editors Month material. Canonical in a way that can be referenced or included in the season retrospective, but not in a way that people want to treat completely truthfully, and that some of the writers/creators really hated but the fans all loved. The “Trouble with Tribbles” episode.
author: *** Dave H.