What to do?

The cage has been rattled. I honestly don’t care if we were to stop the game as is. I haven’t been as invested in my character at least (which might be partly due to throwing them together last minute and not developing them more past that). Reiterating what others have said, this has honestly gone on way longer than I expected.
That all said, I am good continuing playing till we open the gate and see the hellscape on the other side, with whoever is gm. Though I think that all this means that we should definitely start discussions on what our next game will be.


I think the obvious conclusion this far is that this evening will either be a discussion of what to do next, or some sort of very short one or two shot that we can do while we are having that other discussion online.

I’m not sure that that discussion sound super enticing for burning a night on, but it may be the most efficient way to get through the discussion quickly? However if we want to play and want something short, I would suggest for the queen as a true one shot, or psirun, as a game that will take two sessions.

Both are super simple, and basically if you know how to roll dice in roll20 you pretty much know how the rules work for psirun, and for the queen doesn’t have dice at all. Both games have you discovering your character during play, so prep for the group is pretty much nonexistent

Enticing? Maybe not. Important to maintain communication so that we don’t play a game no one was excited to play for six-seven months? Yes.


To be fair, I don’t think we realized it wouldn’t be great for us until we actually tried it. I posted early (mostly negative) feedback on the mechanics, but I think a lack of good system alternatives to sustain the story at the time led us to stay the course. That’s one of the reasons I mentioned Genesys - my alternating Sundays group has a similar deal going on (they love PBTA, but they also love custom settings), and it’s appealed to them.

I’m glad that people are willing to say what works (or doesn’t work) for them, rather than just “I’ll play anything”. I think that’s important for figuring out where to go next.

A fair assessment. I do like Forged in the Dark games, but I don’t think it was a good fit for this group.