About the Masks-616 category

The alternate/new-universe Masks game pitched here. Roll20 game: https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/5937276/masks-616

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Probably two approaches here:

Figure out where the timeline diverged and how, and then build from there.

Do characters, and let those things dictate where things diverged.

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This is what I’d suggest.


Roll20: https://app.roll20.net/join/5937276/aTbRTQ

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For those who need an explanation for the reference, Earth-616 is the quasi-official designation of the primary continuity Earth in the Marvel Universe. The term was originally introduced when Captain Britain comics introduced multiple parallel universes in the MU.


The term was not loved by some Marvel senior leadership, and was supposedly retired when Marvel crunched all its universes, but has since come back into popularity in the past few years.

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Occurs to me one could have a Harbinger, a Nomad, an Outsider, a Newborn, an Innocent, and a Relic, and they could form a team called The Clueless As To What The Hell This World Is About.

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No, just have one person from the present time, but have them be the Transformed or something so no one knows what anything is at all.



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Okay, I know it’s GETTING EXCITED time when I keep pulling up the forum and refreshing to see if there’s anything new, on pretty much an hourly basis, and even though it’s got notification features to let me know without my having to do that.

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You could spend some time monkeying with your backstory.


Ditto. I have it on my phone and I keep on refreshing just in case something showed up.

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