Story queue:
Alycia notices reactivation of worldwide Chin assets and plans, puts together the “Agents of AEGIS” team (1337, SNOWMAN, Emma, Nono)found here -
When the Newmans learn that SNOWMAN is active, they are going to fucking flip outfound here -
Road trip - Alycia and SNOWMANfound here -
Rivalry - Alex vs. Emmafound here -
Irregulators adventures - Alloy & the Animal!- found here -
Sablestar and the Void Shadow Collective - what are they doing?- found here -
What has Charlotte been up to as the Magus?- found here -
What happened with villains like Ghostheart, Iconoclast, and Facet?- found here -
First day at Vyortovia University!- started here, continuing here -
What are the Chin successors up to? What drug are they making? With whose help?- found here -
A10, TK, and Armiger - what are they up to?- found here -
Leo, Ninjess, and Stingray visit Atlantis- found here -
What dark forces helped Ghostheart, Iconoclast, and Facet escape AEGIS custody?- found here -
What are the Rook students at NU doing? What’s the plan?- started here -
How do the Agents handle their assorted self-doubts?- found here -
How is Paimon and Rook intertwined?- found here -
How does Leo escape from Atlantis?- found here -
What’s going on with Princess Peri?- found here -
What’s ghost fishing?- found here -
What does Charlotte learn about the Hidden Family?- found here -
What is Doctor Infinity’s time in the underworld going to mean for her when/if she is reactivated- found here -
What’s the next lead for the Agents of AEGIS? What does the New Chin Empire do in return?- found here -
Why are ninjas attacking Leo’s house?- found here -
How do Adam and Jordan escape the clutches of the Concordance?- found here -
More Ghost Girl/Ghostheart shenanigans in the future- found here -
What are Pyrrhus and Mirror Alycia planning?- found here -
What’s a Concordance force field doing in the ruined factory district?- found here -
How does Jason Quill escape the SVR?- found here -
What new shenanigans will Jordan and the Rainbow Warriors get up to?- found here -
What new scheme is a freed Ghostheart up to?- found here - How do our heroes stop the Invisible Invasion? - found here