'In Broad Terms, Whatcha looking for out of tonight?’ Check-in

Chapter 07 (earliest date: 2019-09-16)

I want to…

  • See what goes down in Heifgflaema and get some clue on what the Overlord is up to

At some point I’d like to…

  • See what Virens and Ann both have to say about systems of government - I think we need to encounter one or more examples to kick that off, though

Chapter 08 (earliest date: 2019-09-23)

I want to…

  • Get to Chains Crossing after all
  • See what Wrangler Ann thinks about orcs showing up at the People’s camp

Anyone have anything they want in particular?

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Same stuff as last two times, get to Chains Crossing and see what’s what :). Sounds like we are going over the mountains to get there though.

I’d like to start in media res with a wold pack attack, and I’m looking for some information.

@Dave -in what way are these wolves distinctly and hackle-raisingly NOT wolf like?

@fragolakat - this breed has been a bane on the borders of civilation since the Nalres Empire was at its peak. Why are they basically the Ohir’s fault?

@garrett - these things somehow use the Mists to approach, encircle, and trap their prey. How are they dealt with in the Toskan Empire? (is it an unhelpful tactic in this situation?)

@insomn14 - these things rarely move in such large groups. If you’re feeling paranoid, tell us about one of the Harbingers who could have set them in your path.

@Margie - these wolf things manipulate the mists. Think about how your fox-mounts have a similar trick, and be ready to use it to help your companions or yourself.

Note: we don’t need to post the answers to these questions here. I just wanted to give everyone time to think about it before the game.

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(As a side note, decided not to use the mountain pass set piece that appears in the book, and have replaced it with a different set piece that should give us more interesting things to do. Fingers crossed!)

However, mountains are still happening.