Jordan's Fairyland

This sounds very politically progressive.

A rival appears…?

Colin negotiates the particulars of his position.

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Colin discovers the real purpose of inviting him to come along.

Final strip in the series.

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Nope, screw it, I have more to do here.

Always get your parents’ permission first.

Pushing hologram power to its limits.

The Amaris are taking this well.

Working through a bit of jealousy.

Summer has the same maternal drive as her sister, but may have trouble expressing it the way Aria can - for one thing, we’re still not sure how long-term Colin will be. So in the meantime, I think wanting to play surrogate mom/big-sister plays a big role in how she relates to Jordan. I don’t think Colin really gets this part yet, but I know he realizes how much Summer needs love in all its forms, and how she’s got room in her heart for multiple people.

So - is the gift of a fairy tale castle something Jordan would appreciate? I hope so.

EDIT: also good job me, Colin apparently changed clothes in the last strip. I’m gonna put that down as hologram shenanigans rather than author error.