Masks 17.4 - Jason chats with ... himself [Cutscene]

I need to find a picture of that portal from Lost in Space, because I can’t think of it.

author: Doyce T.

There is now a sign at the Foundation. NO TELEPORTATION WITHOUT A PERMISSION SLIP.

author: Bill G.

Bedroom. Power drops. Nanites drop. Something… gone. A tiny something. Nothing important.


Worry about it later.

“Complex: Reset-Restore. Confirm.”

“Confirmed, Jason.” Which voice was that, coming from the speaker?

Doesn’t matter. Worry about it later.

“Are you okay?” Numina, then Travelycia, a half-beat behind.

Interesting question.

“I’ve got one less thing to worry about,” he says.

Which is, technically, true.

Jason smiles, slightly. “Ever just go into your room, turn off the lights, and think for a --” He stops, looking at Numina and Travelycia. “No, silly question. Sorry. No, I’m okay.” He smiles a little bit more broadly at Numina. “Took some direct action for once. May have solved a problem for myself – and for the team, I hope. Kind of felt good, except for the dying a bit more part.” His voice is normal, maybe the slightest bit unfocused. “I think I need some pizza. And caffeine.”

He looks at the two of them, who are still looking at him. “Did – I miss something?”

(( And we can call that a wrap until this evening. ))

author: *** Dave H.
url: Community Forums: Masks 17.4 - Jason chats with ... himself [Cutscene] | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop

Doyce T. said:

I need to find a picture of that portal from Lost in Space, because I can’t think of it.

I’ve been trying to do so for the last half-hour. Unfortunately, as an intensely unsuccessful and derided movie from 1998, it was at the wrong place in the wrong time to get a lot of GIFs and cut-scene videos. Will try another approach.

author: *** Dave H.
url: Community Forums: Masks 17.4 - Jason chats with ... himself [Cutscene] | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop

Mike said:

Just let me say, the non-Doom Track crowd has it’s own share of issues with teleporting. See Sgt. Amari.

Ah. AH! Irony! There, now I feel dumb for missing the point. :slight_smile:

author: *** Dave H.

The whole movie is on Youtube, but it’s clipped. Here’s an approximate starting point:

author: Bill G.

Some shots of the portal in question around here: (bootleg video, so not worth clipping a pic from).

author: *** Dave H.

Damn. Beat me by 15 seconds.

author: *** Dave H.

Cross-referencing for future reference: some discussions of these events and the aftermath are over in the Session 18 Prep thread

author: *** Dave H.