Into the Mists
Boarding a cloud raft to head into the fog.
Professor Magnus of “Light of the Past” has given us a job of clearing out a site that was found on a floating island – clear, and solidify the claim (and maybe find some interesting goodies).
Ship’s pilot – Gwin, whom we’ve sailed with before. Xeric knows her – in fact, knows her from home, and she’s probably helping us get jobs.
We have very little information. Just what they saw from the cloud raft. Looked pretty – old stone buildings, plant growth.
Xeric - Looks for a flying creature that has holes in its body as well, which makes a distinctive sound as they fly.
Carabas likes Gwin because she is a very competent sailor. Dislikes that she maintains a dry ship. Not only can I not bring any drink aboard, she even provides none.
Auoy - Ship is not luxurious, but sturdy. Handles decently when in trouble. But A watches the currents closely, nonetheless.
Seirus - The professor suggested we might find, in the ruins, some relic tools with specific wear on the right side. Seems highly unlikely we’ll find such tools because of the architecture.
The island is not large. None of the cluster are – erosion, in this case. Mostly taken up by one ruin with outcroppings of forest trees around it. Not particularly gloomy, just in decay.
Gwin takes a pass around it. And … there are about a dozen people, claim jumpers.
Claim Blame
Pull in closer – a man in a loud purple cloak, someone we know. Barry, the Ironhide – uses his Core to make his skin unbreakable.
Gwin lands. We disembark – Barry waves us off.
Claim beacon!
“I didn’t see one.”
4m tall Mekari stomps out: Blockhead.
Calls in a bunch of his workers, too.
(Initiative tracking)
Our Combat
Seirus invokes the Fairy King.
Auoy - Drain Soul -
Barry dashes forward, and uses a Wounding Punch on Auoy. Overcomes his Afraid.
Blockhead charges in. One arm is sparking dangerously – Runic Overcharge at Seirus and Xeric.
Xeric teleports over and zaps Blockhead.
Seirus dashes into the main battle, attacks multiple targets, then taunts Barry, Blockhead,
Carabas spawns some phantasms, .
Xeric takes down a bunch of Minions.
Barry swings and misses.
Blockhead Runic Overcharge. And misses.
Auto Attack
Auoy - Takes down last damage.
Xeric - Barry
Carabas - Barry
Seirus - Barry
Barry - Seirus
Blockhead - Seirus
Next round!
Xeric Carving Strikes Barry. Then Determinations him. Finisher!
Seirus Dancing Plague on Barry - misses. Heals self. Umbral Seal.
Barry batters fists on Seirus. Hits, plus pushes him back to the other Miners. Saves vs Wounded.
Blockhead charges Seirus, hits.
Miners attack Seirus.
Others move and attack Carabas, Auoy.
Carabas summons another phantasm, and triggers them all to attack Barry, plus his stored charges. Barry is down!
Auoy does the Liquefaction thang. Creepy!
Blockhead is Wounded. Runic Overcharge vs Xeric and Carabas … misses.
Round 3
Mist Miner dies.
Blockhead is wounded. And now injured. Tries to crush Auyo
Carabas steps in, Blade Dance, much damage.
Xeric steps in, takes Blockhead to 0. He explodes. Ow.
Miners run up and grab Barry and Blockhead’s head.
Xeric gives chase and corners them. Red glowing eyes from a cloud.
Force them (spend Grit) ==> 3 hits!
They give him Blockhead’s core. Aetheric core.
“And don’t come back!”
Give the core to Gwin. Track where he’s been? Take one of their ruins?
Auoy brings Seirus back from KO.
Rest! Healing! All is well!
Next Time!
Talk about Character Bonds
What Rest Action do you want to do during your short rest?