Menagerie Card Help

Okay, something I could use an extra set of eyes on. I am wrapping up an environment deck and want to also close out the flavor text. This is Challenger Park, an amalgamation of different locations from the game (the area around Tasha Star’s studio where the first couple games took place, as well as all the different coffee shops) wrapped up as an inter-city park and the surrounding area.

There are space requirements, so trust me when I say I did the best I could with the space provided.

Community Service
Art: Unmute and crew cleaning up the park.
Quote: Park clean-up sucked, but Becky still took any opportunity to get out of her cell she could. And if she got time off for good behavior, all the better.

Corner Store Snack Run
Art: Mercury running into a store to pick up an armful of snack food.
Quote: “Hey Harry,” the shop owner called to the speedster, “I got in a box of those Norwegian fish-flavored chips you wanted.” “You’re the best, Mister Fleuter!”

Falling Debris
Art: Rocks fall, everyone dies.
Quote: Lucius’ fight with his spectral foe had gotten out of hand. The creature thrashed about, tearing debris loose from any buildings it touched.

In the Shadow of Justice
Art: Armiger looking at the statue of Justice
Quote: Justice was Halcyon’s first hero and a symbol of what could be accomplished to all future generations. Today, many aspiring heroes flock to her statue for inspiration.

Interview with Tasha Star
Art: A panicky Concord sitting down with Tasha Star.
Quote: With a studio overlooking Challenger Park, Tasha Star is always on the hunt for new supers. Most think it’s for her tv show, but they don’t know her corporate sponsors.

Art: Jaycee at Haas Beans with a towel over her shoulder, to make her look a bit more like a boxing trainer.
Quote: Named Halcyon’s Best Barista by the Halcyon Herald, Jaycee spends her evenings improving her pastry cooking, researching history, and training the Grail Knight Will Eddison.

Art: Lucius sitting at a table in Haas Beans, with a checker board set up in front of him.
Quote: The retired Knight only takes up the sword in times of need, but is always around for the next generation of heroes to consult in matters of the mystic and supernatural.

Power Pony
Art: Power Pony, pony on the street.
Quote: “Thanks for the tips on handling Ego Trip, I’ll relay them to Link,” Jason Quill said with a smile. “Can you also tell him to follow my Twitter? And the rest of your team too!”

Public Nuisance
Art: Ego Trip throwing a park bench at an airborne Concord.
Quote: “How does he keep getting stronger?” Jason wondered aloud. “That’s Ego Trip!” a girl behind him shouted. “He gets more powerful the more people are paying attention to him.”

Small-time Thief
Art: A bargain-bin super mugging Summer. (see above)
Quote: Kevin knew his fatigue-inducing powers wouldn’t do squat against an actual superhero, so he took to robbing coffee shops and corner stores.

Weekend Training
Art: Armiger on a morning run, while Jaycee watches with a stopwatch.
Quote: As Armiger turned the corner, Jaycee checks the stopwatch. “3:40 isn’t bad, but the rest of your team-” “Can you at least compare me to Alloy? She doesn’t fly.”

Thoughts? Corrects? Things that don’t look right if you squint at it wrong?