Non-Menagerie character options

Here’s what I got for characters for next time. Any feedback from Dave or Margie welcome :smiley:

  • Alex. Your favorite cyborg hacker from Masks-616 is back, sunglasses, quips, and insecurities included.
  • Gogo. Excitable schoolkid who drank the wrong Super-Soldier Serum, and turns into a hyper-agile human/galago hybrid. Furry Spider-man. Might be too close to Joe, but also might be an interesting contrast (unlike Joe, they can change back)? Dave’s input welcome.
  • Rivet. Good-natured not-so-ex-villain with ferrokinesis (metal manipulation). Cheerful, naive, deeply broken but means well. A good foil for people who see themselves as heroic and noble. Character Sheet
  • Exodus. Irresponsible Communist teleporter. Do not ask him for things because he will find them and give them to you, whoever had them before.
  • Sabine. Blind speedster with vibration control. Arrogant, confrontational, but effective.