While Masks is meant for teenage superheroes, we’ve moved a little beyond that. But now our protagonists are exploring undersea empires, hunting down elusive mad scientists, visiting the afterlife, and more! Sounds pretty Atomic. So how would we stat them? Let’s try a few characters and see how it works.
A perfectly reasonable super-scientist that Tesladyne would be happy to have. But I bet we could have some fun with her other half. Just a surface-level take to her character, but it was fun to build out someone with actual super powers in Atomic Robo.
Emma “Hot Mess”
Concept: Villain and Enjoying Every Moment of It Modes: Pyrokinetic +3, Banter +2, Intrigue +1 Skills: Pyrokinesis +5, Will +4, Burglary +3, Contacts +3, Deceive +3, Athletics +2, Empathy +2, Notice +2, Provoke +2, Rapport +2, Stealth +2 Pyrokinetic Aspect: “TREMBLE AND OBEY!” Banter Aspect: Subtle Like an Inferno Intrigue Aspect: Friends in Low Places Omega Aspect: Mr. Big’s Protege Stunts:
Burning Brighter: Your attacks with Pyrokinesis are Weapon: 4, or Weapon: 6 but at a cost. (2 stunt benefits)
Flame Shield: Use Pyrokinesis to defend against physical attacks.
The Social Network (pg. 83)
Master Plan (pg. 84)
Pyrokinetic Weird Mode (A reskin of Psychokinetic from pg. 89)
Skills: Pyrokinesis, Will Weird Skill: Pyrokinesis
Overcome: Burn down objects and remove obstacles by incinerating them.
Create Advantage: Confuse or trick your target with flames and smoke.
Attack: Harm someone with fire.
Defend: Counter darkness and stealth by creating more light.