Phase Two Concept Art

Been inspired to do some artwork for of the key focuses in the latest Phase Two stories.

First up the Chin Spiderbot.

So there were a lot of ways I could handle this. The original inspiration is fairly basic, but iconic in its shape. I didn’t want to do just a straight copy of it though, so I made some choices on its function.

The spiderbot seems like it has a dual role in Chin’s operation: a covert spy and a hunter-killer drone. This could be handled with two models, but I decided to go for something simple. The basic design is such that a spiderbot could find a secluded place, grip the ends of its legs into a surface (like a wall or ceiling) and then retract its legs in to become just become an unsightly bump in the background (even more so if it has some limited color changing capabilities).

In its hunter-killer mode, it’s all about mobility and intimidation. As the title of the story goes, there’s a lot of people with arachnophobia, and having a big robot spider with equipped with some small arms fire capabilities is probably going to increase that. The triangular “eye” is its targeting sensor for some sort of internal firearm mounted in the center of the triangle (I didn’t include detail for this since it was mostly a hasty sketch and I didn’t want that to detract from the overall design). I could see that eye moving the full area of the dome body, tracking it’s targets. I also means the spider could become an impromptu mounted turret in its “blister” mode.

Could do another pass if there’s any major feedback, but I see this being pretty functional design for the story needs.

Now for the Atlantean Blood.

This one I’m a bit more iffy on. I feel like they should be fairly alien in appearance, but not to the point that they could not act as infiltrators (though under some concealing clothing like Ninjess uses).

I’m also of two minds when it comes to their clothing. On one hand, wearing constrictive clothing underwater inhibits the ability to swim and anything that isn’t skin tight will likely cling to the skin anyway as soon as someone leaves the water. On the other, cool outfits are cool and comics can sometimes sketch believability for something that looks good.

For now, consider this a work in progress on both those fronts. Part of me wants to have the Atlantean to have a purple/blue color scheme, but like real squids I imagine they might have some minor color change abilities (Was this already a part of the story? Another excuse to read it again. :wink: ) but whether this is controlled (like a chameleon) or uncontrolled (like blushing) is another matter.