Prime Shards of the Concordance

The Concordance theoretically recognizes several Virtues: Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Honor, Justice, and Sacrifice.

To assist Agents in performing their duties, they are equipped with “Shards”. These are artificial constructs endowed with a level of intelligence. In the same way a person steers a car, but with affordances such as automatic transmission, anti-lock brakes, and traction control, it is the Agent’s power to wield, but the Shard can help, or even take over.

Concordance Coordinators are able to equip multiple Shards, and have first pick of the best and oldest Shards. This gives them considerable power, effectiveness, and insight.

But “shard” implies a part of some greater whole. What is that thing?

There are Prime Shards, that are self-sufficient manifestations of a Virtue. They are akin to gods, cosmic forces, or other transcendent and ineffable entities. They can take action on their own, but more often empower people to act on their behalf.

So far, the only Prime Shard that’s been identified is Excalibur, the Prime Shard of Honor.

That means there may be five others…

And what about Humility?

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Phase Three will introduce holders of “Primal Shards” - concentrations of emotional and psychic power that don’t come with a guiding intelligence. Rather, they are self-forming and self-sustaining, like ball lightning or whirlwinds.

Primal Shards often contain dark, negative emotions. Some superheroes or villains have their powers because of these Primal Shards. Other times, the Shards give rise to legends and myths such as vampires or werewolves. Some Shards come with unique abilities, while others are common templates that replicate a given power set again and again, no matter who holds them.

Primal Shards can sometimes be transferred or replicated, the way a werewolf or a vampire can spread their condition through bites.