Scheduling Snafus

Yeah so I’m assuming game didn’t happen. I completely forgot it was Thursday and this game.

Good news the concert went decently well!

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So Margie and I are getting our boosters tomorrow afternoon.

I’m not expecting issues so quickly, but nobody expects, etc., so just a heads up that there may be an abrupt malaise that might interfere with gaming.

Monty Python nobody expects the spanish inquisition

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And for @Margie



How is the post-booster household feeling this evening?

So far so good. I think we are on track to play. :star_struck:

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So, due to covid cancelations, I will be able to do the game tomorrow.


Dealing with the aftereffects of barometric pressure induced headache but I think I should be able to run tonight, though it may not be the fullest or more exciting session. See you folks tonight.


To no one’s surprise, the man with chronic headaches is suffering through another one today. I’m expecting to be in good enough shape to run the game this evening, but I will do another check-in in two hours to confirm that.


I’m real busy juggling a bunch of things and can’t game tonight.


I will add to that Margie is feeling a bit under the weather (“but I might feel better after some aspirin kicks in”), so I’m okay if we are dark tonight.


I’ve got a bunch of things due tomorrow that I still need to do, so I don’t think I can do game tonight. Sorry. Time to get yourself a new intern


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That’s A-okay with me. I just wrapped up three days of PI planning in two days and while I would love to spend some time catching up with all you lovely people and doing some goofs, the mental overhead of running a game while doing so might be a bit too much for me tonight. (I might have brought this up as a concern last week, but I can hardly remember anything that isn’t WSJF scoring.)

Let’s call off tonight and plan for the next session being on May 5th (barring any other issues).

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May Madness

5/5 - Hey, looking at our calendar, we’ve got a commitment earlier this evening, and I’m not sure we’ll be able to rush to do game time. So … mebbe a skip week.

5/12 - We should be good.

5/19 - Should be good, unless it’s too crazy-zany a week for James, briefly at home.

5/26 - We are in the wilds of New York, so probably dark.

6/2 - Margie and I are good. James, in his new sitch, TBD.


To further expand on May Madness:

5/19 - Brandon and I just found out we need to travel to St. Louis on this day to attend a funeral, so that means I will not be able to run the game that week. This also means we won’t be able to attend the party you folks have planned for 21st (though Bowser will still be going). Hopefully we’ll be able to make a quick stop over at some point to get a chance to say hi to James in person before he flies off to NY for his new job.

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Sounds good, though to be fair it’s more “… before he has to be stuck in a car with his folks for 3-5 days traveling to New York by way of the Largest Ball of Twine for his new job”.

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Oh, I didn’t know you were torturing the boy. Even more of a reason to give my condolences before he leaves. :laughing:

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Wanted to check in to see how @fragolakat was doing in his new home, job, state, time zone… everything, his new everything. I don’t think we have anything planned for Thursday currently, but if James was good I’m sure we could scrounge together something by then. And if not, that’s okay too.