Robin is making a delivery by the docks – ALERT! … food delivery, every taco to a group of longshoremen. Hostage sitch at the ship Springbank – thieves have taken the crew hostage. Bomb threat. Principle of Speed … okay, but twist (longshoremen disappointed because no time to chat). Hero Point!
ASIST has partnered with a 9-foot tall gorilla and a mysterious mermaid.
Gogo - gorilla? awesome! we’ll get along great.
Joey - working out with shipping containers. Leg rep, arm rep.
ALERT! Lower it to the ground. Should be able to get there fairly quickly.
Jalpari – A mermaid? That’s weird!
Jalpari - Late-night sushi bar at the docks. On the docks. Other aquatic personalities frequent it, too. On-land, a young Persian woman. ALERT! Finish her sushi, step out door and into the water.
Large, rust-orange cargo ship. Hostages … and team mates.
App shows their location. Gogo is already here … Joe is approaching.
Surge of tail to jump out of water to land on the dock by Gogo’s bike arrival. Gogo spots the people with the assault rifles.
- Gogo - bounce and spring across dock to grab attention and Drunken Master at Thief.
- Jalpari - Warp Space (Cosmic) and tries to throw Dozer over to Joe. 6. Dozer drops to D8.
- Joe - Punch Everything! … and unloads buckshot right into my abdomen.
- Dozer - Shoots Joe
- Environment - Hostage challenge! All are hindered.
- Thieves - 1 on Jal … 2 on Gogo … one on the ship
- Joe - Punch Everything! Knock Dozer down to a D6.
- Gogo - Leaps to the ship … overcome Evac Hostages from below deck. Distract the thief, then leap past and throw open the cargo container. Hostages escaping …
- Jalpari - Tries to warp the encouraged thief into the bay. Plunges into the bay (and still loses a die size).
- Thieves - 1 climbs out of the water and jeers Jal; 1 shoots Jal; 1 runs up to the ship to hinder Gogo; 1 attacks Gogo
- Dozer - shoots at Joe. No damage. And talking to someone … who leaps down … the Masked Cyborg!
- Environment - (turn changes)
- Cyborg - Motor Mouth on Joe.
- Joe - Jump to thieves on Jal. Grab one and throw it at the other, taking the latter down.
- Gogo - attack d6 thief, makes his save, but takes out the one he hits.
- Thieves - 1 attacks Gogo, the other takes a pistol shot at Jal.
- Enviro
- Dozer - comes out of container area, boosts self.
- Jal - warp thief from the boat into the bay. No damage, but die decrease and in water.
- Gogo - Principle of Levity mocking the bad guys. Succeed … with a major twist! But discouraged by hostage having been shot and wounded → Wounded Spirit
- Joe - RAGE! +2 persistent
- Jal - Encourage allies - +2 to all
- Thieves - 1 climbs to dock and shoots Joe to try to hinder; 1 shoots at Jal (fails)
- Cyborg - Banter attack at Gogo. Hinders slightly.
- Dozer - Aims and shoots and misses.
- Environment - Thug doesn’t feel good, and grabs a hostage to use as a hostage.
- Gogo - Remove the wounded spirit - tries to jump through and grab the hostage and get him out of danger … Leaping + Strange Luck … vicious spray of cold water … soaking wet.
- Jal - Hinder with a Presence, ululations of curses … -2 Spooked on all bad guys.
- Joe - Grabs the hostage-taker, throws him into the other thief, both go down.
- Cyborg - brawling vs Joe … knocks him back at Jalpari.
- Environment - Useful Cargo! Dozer finds some tech!
- Dozer - Shooting at Joe … it tickles.
- Cyborg - Motormouth at Gogo. Word Hurt!
- Gogo - recovers from Words Hurt! And, “Magilla? How old are you?” Bounces off of Dozer, moving them into the bay.
- Jal - Boosts self - +3 … shimmering from the water that soaked her …
- Joe - Bounds over and Punches Everything at the Cyborg → 9
- Environment - Cargo helicopter overhead … with a minigun.
- Dozer - boosts himself with encouragement.
- Dozer - Tackles Joe! No damage, Joe punches back, takes him out.
- Joe - Let’s Dance! Takes Cyborg to yellow.
- Jal - Toss him in the air and slam him down again. -10!
- Gogo - Swing in, laughing. “Do you have ANYTHING from this decade for taunts?” Hinder with mid-die. Hinder 2, Attack 6. In the red zone.
- Cyborg - They’ve been holding back. Shrieks … “I wasn’t ready to come back for this yet!!” Hit by a monster truck of sonics. Knocked down to 7. Joe hits back for 9. Jalpari takes 8 … deflects some off.
- Environment - Twist! Cargo chopper starts dropping lines … Cyborg wants to run off, but the chopper waives him off “You got this!” Backed into a corner.
- Cyborg - Sonic shriek again. Takes down Joe!
- Joe - Out Move - Nurturing - Boosting Jal.
- Jal - “Get away from him!” 15 damage! Smacks into a cargo container … and collapses.
The chopper runs.
Unmasking the cyborg. It’s (whats-her-name, the sonics-using cyborg from Menagerie)
Joe is out … heal up to full with … Major Twist!
Gogo - encourages Joe to return to human to make it easier to get to the hospital. And … takes multiple passes to understand that Joe can’t turn back …
- Right in the feels … Strength die down to a D8 in next encounter.
Joe almost lashes out, but instead walks away, depressed.
But Joe does give Gogo a 1-star review on the ASIST app. “Great moves, bad team mate.”