Stopping robbers of a ship in the bay. And one of the bad guys – the sonic cyborg named Unmute, or Becky Strong. She has a record … but some peculiarities in that record from Kill Devil Prison. Like … status … Deceased?
Gogo gets a call for another delivery across town – he heads out quickly, as Joe sighs deeply, looking morose.
ASIST App tries to find us a replacement.
Police are rounding up the gunmen and robbers.
Joe tries to get a name for the boss. Unmute claims to be the one in charge, despite having been cut off from the chopper. Seems eager to be carted off to jail.
Piece of paper … Jalpari offers the number of a support group for oppressed women, esp. metas. “When you’re tired of being some man’s tool.” Scoffs.
Cargo: a wide range of mutagenic chemicals. In the right hands, you can cure terrible conditions. In the wrong hands … “You can make monsters,” Joe mutters. Being used a lot by street toughs. Addressed for Pacific City Research Hospital.
Rivet arrives, on steel cables. Looks like he was just on a fight. And is a kid.
Rivet is excited to see Becky/Unmute captured.
Kit, loadout, comms … Rivet knows these particular thieves. “The Marathon Street Marauders”. Low-level muscle, dumb shit for money. Too low-level to be running with Unmute.
Rivet taunts her.
Says she wants to go back to prison because they’re running her.
Joe is skeptical.
Jalpiri calls. Send her to temporary holding space with ASIST. She seems to like that idea better.
Jal tries to influence her, since she seems like someone who likes to talk. Reads her.
Somebody’s holding something over her. “What have they got on you?” This other girl from jail, friends, being normal people … then these assholes show up; “I’m a fighter, but Roxie can’t.” Roxie hostage to Becky’s working for them. (Roxie = “Fractal Background,” also listed as dead.)
Mutagen? Wouild need the expertise and equipment to do something with it. How to look up the equipment.
Rivet: who has the money to use this stuff (and hire Becky) but cannot do so legitimately.
Cybernetics. Record in her head of what she’s seen/heard?
We have an idea of where the Marauders hang out. Might be where Roxie is.
Or where the chopper was going to go to. → An abandoned airfield, south of the city, not far from the coast.
Jal wants to take down a bigger bad guy.
Joe wants to take down anyone with mutagens.
Rivet is all in favor of rescuing Roxie, if we can trust them.
Jal … access to a boat.
- recover health
- help another character recover health
- boost for the next scene
Jalpari hands over the wheel of the boat, hops into water, paces alongside, healing from being in the water. Back to full.
Joe getting a boost by focusing on anger and outward. +2
Rivet getting a boost by fashioing tools from scrap. +1
Arrive at the bank outside the abandoned airfield. Shack to the side. Crumbling airstrip. MId-afternoon. Scrub and tall grass.
Crawl up? Joe is not in the mood (or the form).
Joe can leap. Jal can fly over with river mermaid wings.
The ambush!
As Jal takes to the sky – mercenaries with guns targeting her.
Rivet is excited.
Joe shouts out Jalpari’s name, and leaps.