Searching the Forum [tech]

Yeah sorry, I meant the indexer itself. The search is still available, it’s just going off of old data.

author: Bill G.


And… yes, it’s still set public. I hadn’t fiddled with any other settings, either. Grr.

author: Doyce T.

So … this is still broken? (Asking for a former character.)

author: *** Dave H.

It’s still broken. I’m checking literally every day, no response from @Roll20App on twitter either. This weekend I might switch over to node-crawler or something, then write an authorization dingus with my username/password because at least that works.

author: Bill G.

Well, anything you can do would be appreciated, within the bounds of “Um, hey, this is a game, none of this is mission critical, only nifty.” No heroic or life-consuming measures needed.

author: *** Dave H.

Progress is being made.

author: Bill G.

Still a few glitches. Haven’t re-implemented pagination through long individual posts because Roll20 treats anonymous vs. logged in users COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY for those, and my old way of doing it assumes anonymous users. Looks like it’ll be done by tomorrow, with luck.

I don’t know how many people would care about this, but if I thought I could get away with it, I could start a Paypal/donation-based site that let any campaign in the world crawl their game forums, and feed that into a nice Elasticsearch instance. I lack the time to market that kind of solution to its intended audience, tho, and no idea how many people would pay real money for game stuff like this.

author: Bill G.

I think that a game only gets forums if the GM running the game is paying to be a member of roll20, so by definition I think you’d already be aiming it at people who are paying for their game and content.

author: Doyce T.

I would sooner advise GMs that they should avoid these profoundly lame forums and use any number of alternatives. If we didn’t have a massive amount of threaded material here already, that’s what I would be encouraging for us, too.

author: *** Dave H.

*** Dave H. said:

I would sooner advise GMs that they should avoid these profoundly lame forums and use any number of alternatives. If we didn’t have a massive amount of threaded material here already, that’s what I would be encouraging for us, too.

I mean on the one hand, yeah, it would be rough to migrate to some other forum at this point. On the other hand, if it came down to that, I’ve literally written a crawler that downloads the entire contents of the forums in text form… It wouldn’t be technically too difficult to port to some other regime, extract out to Wordpress, or whatever.

author: Bill G.
url: Community Forums: Searching the Forum [tech] | Roll20: Online virtual tabletop

I have no doubt it’s technically possible (for some of us). I’m not sure it’s worth the effort for the constant stream of low-level irritations.

On the other hand, if I woke up tomorrow (or some morning) and someone had actually ported everything to a forum setup (one of the free forums that most ISPs offer, or WP, or G+, or something else I’m not thinking of) that supported everything we have, was searchable, and which supported a richer text setup than what we can manage, I’d buy the responsible party a beer or three.

If it were doable and transferrable, I’d be happy to host and administer a WP site – or, via my ISP, phpBB, SMF, myBB, AEF, Vanilla, punBB, XMB, fluxBB, Phorum, bbPress, ElkArte, FuddForum, miniBB, LayerBB, Carbon Forum, My Little Forum, Beehive, or TangoBB.

Or maybe I should just be satisfied with what we have (which, really, meets most of our needs). Because I don’t want to add more work to anyone.

author: *** Dave H.

This got delayed from last week due to a variety of factors (the code is only on my home machine, and I haven’t been there very often). I made some progress this week and it’s very nearly done - I’m taking the opportunity to simplify the code as well. It’s 100% Javascript now.

author: Bill G.


author: *** Dave H.

author: Bill G.

author: Doyce T.

author: *** Dave H.

I took this opportunity to roll tags together, so now [Cutscene] or #Cutscene will both work the same way.

I still need to add back a “sort by date descending” option, so it’s now harder to get (for example) the list of cutscene posts only, but you can now (for example) search for ‘#Recap body:Streak’ and get those session recaps at the top of the page. I consider that a worthwhile trade for now, and I’ll add sort-by-date once I get the attendant UI difficulties worked out.

author: Bill G.

Thanks for all the hard work, Bill! That forum search is an invalable resource and it is much appreciated.

author: Mike

Sort by date is in, and (JUST AS PLANNED) works for absolutely any sort you throw at it, not just the ‘show me Cutscene’ links. So (for example) I can find all recaps that mention Alycia and see them in posted order.

It’s extra work and I’m reluctant to ask you guys to do it, but I plan to. I’m going to start tagging individual posts in hashtag style, and go back and fix my old posts that are missing [Cutscene] and the like. I don’t have to edit the titles any more, I can just add #Cutscene at the end of the post.

author: Bill G.

Note: tags are still case-sensitive, so #rp is not the same as #RP. Post tagging:

author: Bill G.