Early bird order:500US for 16gb memory +256 SSD+1T HDD - support for 4 monitors, stupid amount of ports, fits in the palm of the hand, and a sexy new ryzen cpu.
Home machine is working, following format and reinstall. Slowly reinstalling stuff and analyzing performance to see when/if the lockups return. So far, nothing, which is good.
Bluetooth went to hell for a couple days, got that sorted.
Moved all the server stuff to a Synology NAS, so if if I do replace this thing, I can look at laptops, since I have an always on piece of hardware now for backups and Plex and whatever.
Replaced the battery in my wireless headset, and it seems to be charging/working, which is pretty cool.
In short, I think I’m good for Wednesday. I need to rebuild the OBS template, but I can fiddle with that during the long weekend, since I spent most of today doing all the honey-imma-do-this things I had on my list.
Oh, and I found some kind of messed up shitty sound editing package that gets piggybacked into the sound drivers Dell uses right now, so I changed the driver to generic windows drivers to make THAT go away, and a couple problems I had with sound on the system went away.