I’ve thought enough about playing Exalted’s Sidereals that this all makes sense to me. So here’s the relevant Oracle moves:
Sights Unseen: when you have time and safety, you can Command Lore about the future. Your visions will always come to pass, eventually.
This is permission to make a basic move about something else. “The future” is now added to “my people” etc. about what you the player can say with authority.
When you Command Lore about the future, your visions will tell you what happened, but not why or how. They will tell you either where it took place or when it will take place, but not both. In addition, you can only name one single person you saw in your vision, never more.
This move feels like a prerequisite to Prophetic Bonds, so now that I look more closely, it may not work out well as a standalone advance. But I’ll talk about it anyway.
Prophetic Bonds: you can write Bonds about your visions, telling the future of the person named in the Bond. These Bonds are unbreakable until they come to pass.
When you are watching the target of your visions and they are in the right place and time, you can erase a Bond with them to have it come to pass right before your eyes. You cannot take action while watching a vision unfold.
It sounds like the default assumption about visions is that you declare “X is going to happen in such-and-such circumstances”, but the ultimate trigger for that is the Overlord, unless you nail down a date. Prophetic Bonds both gives you a Bond to play with, and puts the trigger for the event in your hands, assuming you were vague about timing the prophecy.
So overall, the answer to “how to use it” is to decide on some fictional outcome you’d like to facilitate as a player, then engage in a creative writing challenge, to tell a story both vague and specific enough to yield that outcome.
Here’s some contrived examples.
The Elven Woods
We’re going into the dream-haunted elven woodlands, and we see a Great Tree in the distance. We don’t have friends in the region, and Rowan would like to arrange one. So he foretells the future: “at the base of the Great Tree, in a clearing strewn with bodies, a wounded elf reveals themselves and says, ‘thank you for my life, I will aid you’.” You’ve stated a condition that’s going to come to pass, and you’ve now got a Bond with this mysterious elf.
The vision is going to happen - but we don’t get to dictate how. Maybe we have to fight off the attackers. Maybe they’re dead by the time we get there. Maybe they died of some awful thing we now have to go deal with, like a disease or curse. Maybe we aren’t even present, and it just happens to someone else. But with Prophetic Bonds, if we hoof it to the Great Tree, and there’s bodies there, we now have an elf guide.
The Shade
We need to get information from some occult source, or about some occult matter. Don’t have a Summon Ghost spell handy? No problem, foretell that in some misty ruins, we see Wynn chanting in a harsh and forgotten language, which you recognize as an invocation to call up a shade for questioning.
You’ve now got a Bond with Wynn - useful until we get there - and once we get to some ruins, you can say “and now it happens”. Maybe we find the invocation in the ruins itself, or maybe Wynn just knows it as part of who they are. Maybe the invocation does nothing, or calls up something bad. But if it works, et voila.
Does that help?