The Pandimensional Pandemoniac Menagerie Sleepover

But the two Alycias do share their respective answers with each other, later, off where nobody else can hear … and each feels secretly relieved that they didn’t come up with something nearly as sappy.

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They were chosen because they were gifts that gave Alycia freedom to be herself, but still showed someone was thinking about her. In addition, both are things you’ve had Alycia express approval of in a cutscene. So it wasn’t too hard to come up with ideas. :slight_smile:

And plot revenge against Mini’lycia.

Plotting revenge against even Mini’lycia is fraught with danger. I suggest short-sheeting Summer for going with the question. :smiling_imp:


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As always, Jason sets us up to roll our eyes and sigh at his antics, then delivers something deeper.

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The will can be found here. I don’t think it ever got acknowledged in any session, so here it is, at what I think is an appropriate place and time.

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I guess everyone saw through Jason’s ruse. Is it that he’s less clever than he thinks, or people know him better than he suspects?

Even a hypergenius has problems fooling a houseload of hypergeniuses (who know him, or reasonable analogs of him, well).

“Platonically.” I love that. And this.

I needed a punchline and I’m proud of this one. Glad it got noticed. :slight_smile:

The girls have their own late-night event coming up, and after that, goodbyes!

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Night terrors.

Comfort from an unexpected source.

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We already knew the team was its own family. The sleepover is just growing that family larger.

No matter how smart and collected you are, sometimes you’re really out of it. That’s perfectly okay.

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It’s not a sleepover without this.

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Godzilla Threshold


So much for diplomacy.

In the end, the winner was exhaustion.


Goodbyes, Newman edition.

Goodbyes, Alycia edition.

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