Whither Business as Usual?

We certainly teed that up as a possibility at the time. Options that come to mind:

  1. Something completely new – a fresh city, fresh heroes, a whole new world.
  2. A continuation of what we had (with suitable evolutions as folk feel comfortable with).
  3. The Next Gen. The children (or mentees) of Jason and Alycia. Leo and Aria’s kids. Etc. Magus Charlotte as mentor / quest-giver. All that jazz.
  4. Same city, new characters/team, with a decent smattering of crossovers from the olden days.

I would be totally into 2-4, and probably okay with 1.

Not the only thing in the world possible, and there’s always that risk of trying to recapture the lightning in the bottle, but … I’d be game, if someone felt inspired to run it.