Art Thread: Menagerie RPG

So time for some crowd sourcing, since I need some inspiration.

We’ve already got Harry on one of Radaince’s team-up cards, which leaves the rest of the team for her other four. Here’s the general theme of each.

  • Attack card. Radiance teaming up with another team member to take out [villain].
  • Support card. Radiance helping a team member through an obstacle.
  • Defensive card. Radiance blocking an enemy’s attack to protect an ally.
  • Support card. Radiance grappling with [villain] so a team mate has a good hit. (This one I have the clearest picture of, since the inspiration for this one was Summer and Alycia’s barrier/gun combo from CWC, but it could be something else if someone has something in mind)

Thoughts? As a bit of extra homework, I toyed with the idea of each of those cards being named after some mid-combat quote, quip, or taunt (like the first support card is tentatively named “Need a Lift?” until the artwork is done) but I could only think of two and they’re only so-so. So feel free to add a possible name to your suggestion. :smiley:

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Concord and Radiance both blasting a target from opposite sides, but with light energy.

You said Mercury’s already used, so how about Radiance flying Nono out of a burning building or something?

I’d actually put the bullet-barrier here, with Charade taking shots from behind a barrier.

Radiance hemming in some some bad(s) while Ghost Girl stands at the center of a magical circle, charging up a powerful spell.


I swear, I should get some art done for the new game by like… 2021.

Not sure what the deal is with the trope of magical girls and rooftops, but it certainly looks nice.


Summer: “rooftops have a lot of advantages! You can establish line of sight with the street level more easily, but also duck back behind the edge of the building if someone’s aiming up. They don’t have civilians to endanger, so if you’re under attack, you draw the attacker away from the vulnerable. If you can jump or fly, the skyline of a city provides many unique landmarks for navigation.”

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Alycia: Girlfriend, you completely stole that dialog.


I am likely to steal that line. Now to just think of where to put it.

Two more pieces of artwork, with a third lined.

Getting those butterfly drones into the artwork. The ones Mercury used probably didn’t look like these, but these are probably the evolution of those.

Following up on the Incapacitated artwork for Ghost Girl’s Magus variant. For what’s going on, I must don my bad comic book writer hat: “Well, once Ghost Girl was no longer a ghost, we asked ourselves ‘is Ghost Heart still relevant?’ Then Mike in the corner of the writer’s room asked ‘So, when Charlotte transubstantiation into the living Magus, what happened to her actual dead body?’ And that’s when we knew we had a storyline for the fourth Annual book.”

And finally, what all these cards look like before I do all the the coloring and most of the crazy Photoshop effects. Not 100% where this particular scene is taking place yet. My first thought was at the end of the Time jump storyline since that canonically had Radiance, Concord, and Sablestar fighting… but that was before Radiance had her Radiance identity solidified and I don’t know if I want to have her in her gynoid form in one piece of card art without some explanation. So that probably means a cameo in some post-Menagerie Concord book (that also made me want to add Super Chica, but I didn’t want to confuse things further with some other character not featured in other card work).


If you’re wondering how the timeline works
And other canon facts
Just repeat to yourself it’s just a game
I should really just relaxing
For Menagerie Science Theater 3000

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While I appreciate the idea, you’re talking to the wrong man. On top of referencing the 185 pdfs that were exported from the wiki, I also compiled my own 11 page document covering both the canon and my own side-canon events. We’re making this as close as possible.


Just so you guys can compare and contrast between “before I do all the the coloring and most of the crazy Photoshop effects” and “after” with my linework from before.


Willing to share? I’d love to see this

Was fairly certain I already had, but here it is.


If you had, I’d missed it. Looks awesome, thank you

Been slowly working on this today. The quote is a bit of an in-joke for me, since I’ve wanted a team-up between Radiance and Pneuma for a while (the one we had before with all the girls was Summer pre-Radiance, so that’s not quite the same) and now I have made it myself.


Two more in-jokes, which I also forgot to mention:

  • First, hopefully Shining Finger isn’t too out of line with what the Newmen are capable of/would do.
  • Secondly, I wonder how many Newmen pictures I can post before someone notices the little joke I managed to include in all of their designs.

That’s totally fair, though Leo would probably want a cooler name for it.

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If you come up with one, I will hold onto it for the eventual Newmen deck.


In terms of differences from the first picture you posted (with Mercury), she picked up those Enji Night hips and her left arm now has a sleeve, but other than that, I confess I’ve missed it.

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It’s okay, it is the silliest of details. But if you compare Otto, Link, Pneuma, and Radiance’s heads in that particular order, I think things will become clear.



1, 2, 3, 4,
Love this bit of Newman lore!
5, 6, 7-8-9-10,


Yeah, I feel that was accurate enough to the lore (Bill can correct me if I’m wrong). Leo build Otto first (rocket car), then built the Link armor, then Pneuma’s body. Radiance is a bit of an oddity (as told from my trading card having between two and five first appearances, depending on how you count them) but it felt right to have the sisters next to one another even if “Radiance” as a hero doesn’t predate the Phoenix.

Speaking of…

What, you think I can just make up art command?! Don’t you know the… I don’t angst? …that goes into each piece and…

Who am I kidding, I always do requests.