Art Thread: Menagerie RPG

I agree with everything Bill said. :slight_smile:

I was trying to remember why I gave him the two pronged fork instead of the the three pronged and I finally remembered (well, I remembered earlier, but forgot I hadn’t answered it in this thread), I was trying to invoke the look of the two prongs on a mantaray’s head (mouth? face? front bit).

So that’s a fail in both execution and reference. I think when I go forward, I’m going to do something that looks like a spearfisher’s fork.

I like it regardless, but the spearfisher thing looks really neat too.

I actually like the bident. It looks “modern”.

It’s not original art, but it’s Photoshop. Well, GIMP. Does that count?

I was curious what these characters’ visual inspirations would actually look like together, so here we are.

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Because the Menagerie is a superhero comic, I figured that every good hero needs a recognizable logo (also I needed them for one of my comic projects). They’re first pass and I’m an illustrator not a graphic designer, so they might not be any good . Feel free to comment or make suggestions.

A more textured version of the Menagerie logo I have been using.

And now the characters themselves.

And now all the Newmen. I figured I’d go for a standard through line for all of them except Radiance who, while there will be recognizable elements, has her own thing going on.

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I have an amateur interest in logo design and branding, and I always appreciate a good logo for comic book characters. Marvel set the standard for this back in the day, though sometimes with mixed results.

Overall, these are pretty darned good. Contemporary logo design tends to downplay 3D effects and the like as an artifact of the 90s and early 00s (when graphic software began to do such things, so everybody did it). Simpler is often seen as better, in modern design terms. I don’t always quite agree, but then I get an amateur thrill out of using all the textures, so I may not be a good judge, either.

Menagerie – I still like the letter forms here – the off-kilter and straining-at-the-seams nature of it all. I’m not sure the added texture here adds much, and may muddy things in smaller reductions.

Charade – Formal, angular, head-heavy, with a gradation to dark. Yeah, that works all too well.

Concord – Good use of the triangle icon. The gradations here may be too dark (Concord is a creature of light).

Ghost Girl – I like the color. The angular font is distinctive, but may be too power-forward for Charlotte. The very tight kerning combined with those inner stripes is attractive but, again, may muddy things up a bit.

Mercury – Nice use of the logo in the background. The font itself is very rigid and static for a speedster. True, doing something angular is almost too cliche, but there’s a reason for that. On the other hand, the texture in the letters does give that mercury/quicksilver nature.

(Not sure about anyone else here, but I grew up in an era where, more than one school year, some kid would bring a vial of actual mercury to school, and plop it on a desktop so we could play with it, blissfully unaware that we were dealing with toxic goo.)

Jason Quill – So the Indiana Jones typeface is a natural here, no question. That said, I’ve always loved the Q stuff you’ve done in the past, and something that tees off of that hyper-modern form fits Jason a bit better, I think.

Newmans – I really like these.

  • It’s ironic that Link, whom I think of as the primary member of the Newmans, ends up with the smallest, tightest logo. It almost makes me think that his letters need some sort of horizontal expansion.
  • I love that Radiance has her own, and it’s weird that the downlighting on it works so very well (this is a great use of color gradations). I’m tempted to suggest adding the same sort of horizontal heart-beat line to hers that the others have (because it’s a lovely theme) but I suspect that might muddy things.
  • It nearly seems unfair, though, that Radiance should be so independent. Perhaps … just as she has her little sun as a micrologo within the lettering, the others could have something similar: a stylized vehicle or wheel or gear for Otto; perhaps literal chain links for Leo (or a stylized lion, playing off his true name); a :wind_face: wind icon for Pneuma; if not within the logo (as with Radiance) than at the right-hand side.

Cool stuff, Mike.

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I think it’s how I played her, and the others. Link, Aria, and Otto continue to operate in Leo’s combiner-mecha motif. That’s their strength and their preference. Summer consciously chose to develop her own identity away from that. Aria and Summer alone couldn’t achieve Pneuma’s true potentials - be both independent and Leo’s best partner - but together, they can.

I’m gonna echo what Dave said, I think each of the logos really highlights the feel of each hero. I’m pretty sure I could show these to any comic-book fan and they’d get what the characters were about, just from these.

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I don’t disagree with that. The white logo with the black stroke is very straight forward, but it does look nice.

Fun detail, this is actually the same gradient I use for Concord’s gold highlights. Might look brighter when offset by the black uniform, so I’ll try lightening up some of the extremes.

I don’t think I understand the “power-forward” comment. This one I wanted to pull double-duty for Ghost Girl the ghost and Ghost Girl the magus. Might not pull off both aspects well, but I think you get the idea for both of them.

This is probably the one I’m least happy with, but I also have other concepts I’ll try to put together later.

This is going to sound weird, but I feel like Jason and Quill Tech have different logos. If I was going to have Jason’s logo fit the Quill Tech corporate standard, I’d probably use the same font face as Charade’s (which has it’s own fun parallels*). I’ll probably give that a try when I work on alternates for Mercury’s.

  • I tried to make as many parallels as possible for my own enjoyment. For instances, Concord and Link use the same font face, just with Concord’s being a little more compacted (shorter :stuck_out_tongue:).

These were all done last night after our Scum and Villainy game (I had the concepts mind for a while, I just hadn’t put them to paper since Link is “retired” in the current timeline, but figured I’d try to include everyone). There’s a combined version of this that probably ties all the elements together better, but that’ll have to wait until later. (This is also why I didn’t add individual elements as well, I didn’t want to overcomplicate the designs when they’re all together.)

There’s a part of me who wants to combine two letters in each of the Newmen’s names to hint at their combiner nature, but it seemed a little too gimmicky. Might still try it out later though.

This was done for two reasons (time to flex my designer skills): first to evoke a rising sun. This could have been better done if the sun inset was a little lower to match the gradient more, but I thought that would be a little too distracting being off-center (and on the nose). Also, I wanted Charade and Radiance’s logos to look nice together when stacked (not saying someone is going to make a Charade & Radiance comic, but I’d like someone to write it :wink:).

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Summer Time - Menagerie Forum :smiley:


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It’s later.
I think the combiner aspect of the individual names goes too far, but it’s easy to go back to the original design (remember, always save a copy when making modifications).

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Also here’s another Mercury. I think it fits @Dave’s suggestion of something angular. Not sure which one I like better though.

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On that note, I want to try something. Do you have the individual letters of the names, and can you send those to me?

Words of wisdom indeed.

The combiner aspects work nicely with Otto – Link feels a bit cramped, and Pneuma even moreso. In part it’s because the letterforms are already fairly narrow.

I do like the “NEWMEN” look, though.

My thought on angularity was actually more around the cliche of slanted letters to convey motion. That said, I like this – the wings give it both a sense of speed and evoke the winged helmet of Mercury. Given the character’s colors, it might be worth looking for something more blue/gray, and I’m unsure the logo behind the name quite works. I do overall like it better than the first pass.

My only comment is that (at least to me) the left ‘M’ is well defined because most of the letter is distinct, but the right ‘Y’ tends to get eaten by the wing effect, so my brain initially read it as ‘MERCUR’.

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Yeah, I’ll try to remember to send those over tonight.

I was worried about the branches of the Y getting lost. My other thought was to fatten the letters at the bottom rather than the top so that the wings could come from the bottom of the letters and leave the top halves alone. I think the right branch of Y might still get lost with the wings, but I think that’s just going to be an inherent issue with this sort of design.

Wanting to get the stylized mercury symbol into the logo seems like it might be more problem than it’s worth. I was thinking about maybe doing it in the negative space between the letters M and E (sort of like the star in the movie Justice League logo) but I think it’s slightly too complex to look good like that.

EDIT: I’m a fool. Make the Y look like the mercury symbol and then put the wings behind it. It seems like the obvious answer in hindsight.

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I was a fool for not thinking of this earlier. The iterative process is great for making this stuff seem simpler in hindsight.

Also, I did another pass on Mercury’s sigil. The original iteration just never looked right in many situations and didn’t read well when small. I liked it, but I think this stylized version will be easier to read and looks like something that symbolizes “Mercury” a lot more.

@garrett Sent those over on Discord. If there’s a more easily accessed method for you, let me know.

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Ooooh. I like the new Mercury – logo and text. Only problem … leftward leaning letters feel more like “putting on the brakes” than “speed”. On the other hand, the integration with the “Y”-as-logo is kind of cool.

My suggestion would be putting the logo on the left, then have the name (including an actual “Y”) lean right based on that shape. If the logo then seems to make it look more like YMERCURY, then changing the logo color / tint might help.