Summer got asked if she wanted to go (or come along), but she made the decision to stay behind, because she trusted Alycia to take care of this.
I always felt like I could have been making more dynamic choices with my art but didn’t because I was worried about how they would turn out.
I’d date this as part of the whole Vyortovia invasion fiasco. I passed up a lot of opportunities for action shots around that time.
Action is hard, so I understand, but this is quite nice.
Also, have I mentioned how much I love drawing glowly stuff.
“Run, Harry, run!”
To go along with the boys’ artwork, I figured I’d do some Charlotte art… but I never really think I solidified how I was going to show her “ghostiness” (a highly technical term, trust me on that).
6 is my favorite, but I don’t think this works for Charlotte (but I do have somewhere else I think this will work). 5 is probably the second best, but I’ll leave that to some group consensus.
I also added in various color overlays if that’s what folks decide looks best. #4 is the same color as the Magus’ staff’s keynome/gem, which makes sense from a purely story perspective, but I think it’s a bit overwhelming.
Did… did I ever show off my redesign of a more heroic, less princess-y (but still sort of princess-y) Radiance as used in the Masks Zine drawing?
Did I actually workshop this with the rest of the team or did I just sort of decide on it myself? I don’t remember anymore.
You didn’t show it off, and it looks fantastic. You should share that on the Masks discord too.
So Pandemonium. I always regretted that I felt intimidated by that design. Just too much detail. Too many hands (hands always suck to draw). But I also thought “That’s just concept. No comic book artist would ever include that sort of craziness in even more than one panel (unless they used a 3d model or something, but I’m going to exclude that idea). So how do I simplify that design so it could be used more than one?”
To that end, I made an attempt to depict Adam and Pietro’s jaunt into the pseudo-Sepiaverse/physical manifestation of the Wounds(?). Not sure how much it hit.
Wanted to try an draw a Charade that took less than twenty minutes and it sort of looked good. The left most gun is my preferred design, but I’m up for opinions. Also, for comparison, I wanted to draw another dark-haired girl in a pony tail with a uniform-y costume to make sure I wasn’t making the designs too generic, so here’s A10 for comparison.
So awesome as usual. Nicely simplified, though the top/tunic/torso looks a little unstructured.
The leftmost gun looks a bit like a power stapler. I’m currently preferring the one at the top. Also the built-in taser in the gloves.
A personal favorite.
I’m taking this as to mean my simplification of a kevlar vest does not read well. Some shading may help define the shaped better, but I’m doubting it. Back to the sketchbook for that one.
Dammit, at this rate I’m never going to get over my love of weird comic book 90’s guns.
Also, now that I’m thinking about it, did Charade integrate Link’s skyhook system into her guns (making them grapple guns in a very literally sense) or into the power gloves? I thought it was the former, but now I think it might have been the latter.
It’s Grifter, his gun shoots angst.
I’m pretty sure it’s not the guns, it’s his superpowers that allow him to expel angst through any medium.
She looks a little too flat, even with a high-tech AEGIS kevlar vest.
That particular gun is pretty cool. Though I never quite got the Grifter veil look and how it actually worked.
It was actually the latter (the gloves). She actually was going to use them one time against Dr. Infinity, then everything move down to ground level and the opportunity passed.
Maybe there’s a story in that somewhere.
If you’re taking suggestions, I always wanted to know about spur of the moment villain Professor Midnight and his minions the Late Shift. Otherwise I’m going to write some cheesy 80’s action tripe where Charade and Concord finally team up to fight bad guys.
Do realize you’re disincenting me from writing it in favor of seeing Cheesy 80s Action Tripe.
I’ll write Cheesy 80’s Action Tripe regardless (which apparently is more popular than I first thought), I’m just giving ideas.