General Scheduling Thread

I should be good to play tonight, but I’ll admit I didn’t have a chance over the week to do anything thinking about game stuff, so any lore will just be off the top of my head. And I can’t stay too late since the homework waits for no game.

Wait, we were thinking about this stuff beforehand? Man, now it makes sense how everyone’s stuff sounded so cool. :stuck_out_tongue:


I like things being make sense across the board in my characters and if I make stuff up as I go then that just causes me problems later on.


Having just arrived in Las Vegas, I can say with utter certainty that I will not make it to the game on Monday.

We will probably have to play Monday by ear. Turns out I have to go to a parent swimmer meeting on Monday night at 7. Maybe. Checking on coverage.

Will monitor. Margie and I are free, but understand that doesn’t create a moral imperative. :crazy_face:

I should be okay for this evening.

  • Want to make sure the people of the air are hitting the notes Bill needs for Virens and one of his advancements.
  • Advancements! Most everyone should have one to take care of.
  • Downtime bits for Carabas and Ann.
  • Orcs arrive, drama looms
  • Long Journey bits to get us to Chains Crossing
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Are we coming back to the People and their camp? We could hold on this until that time.

As long as we get Fellowship with them, I’m good. I have an idea how that will work for Virens, based on our last session.

I can show up but I’m sick and my voice is come and go, so probably won’t talk that much.

Checking out the (unindexed) page 8 for tips. :slight_smile:

Making note here that I can’t do next Monday the 4th, due to being scheduled 3 places at once and unable to tesser.

Updated the calendar with my trip to Taiwan from Dec 15th-21st. Will not be able to game on that Monday or playtest/one-shot Saturday.

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Now taking my trip to Taiwan off the schedule. I had to cancel because not everyone was able to book tickets, so that will get rescheduled for January-ish.

Does that mean that it’s this coming Monday or next Monday that just got better?

The following Monday. I’m out the 2nd, back for the 9th, and then hopefully no more hiccups until January.

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My throat is like… 70%. I can make it work and mute my mic when I cough.

How’s everyone else for tonight?

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:+1: As ready to go as I could be.

I’m in good shape and ready to game.

If for some reason it falls through, I’ve also got some one-shot material I can host.

So… hmm.

While I’m good to go, I’d feel better if I knew I was talking less than normal.

Could we maybe do a one-shottish thing for one more week? With me playing instead of GMing? Feel free to throw stuff at my head.

@Dave et al to make the Consortium aware of this thread. @fragolakat. @Margie

Kaylee: “It says something that you think of running the game as ‘I have to talk for two and a half hours, straight.’”

Which is both accurate and not-especially-great. :confused: