If people want to do it, then I’m good. But I could also just sleep. So it seems like it is down to whatever Doyce wants.
Remind me if we’re on for this monday or if we’re not because Mike’s coming back from the Con?
I should be fine to game.
Now that I’m not in the middle of a seven hour drive back from New Mexico at a roadside McDonald’s, I got to say I’m looking forward to gaming on Monday if we can get it to work.
This weekend was a great battery recharge for me and I got to play some amazing games I hadn’t heard of before (and some ones I had which were also amazing). Plus I may have spent some money.
Just a bit.
Awesome! We’re on for tomorrow night.
Quite likely I can’t go monday night. @Dave to draw his attention to the thread before 11th hour.
Got it, thanks!
And, just confirming from the Discord thread that, due to James Recovery Time, the game is dark tonight.
Fortunately, James stays logged in to Discord …
Hmmmm. Will just have to finish watching “Good Omens”.
Unless something unexpected happens, we should be good for tonight at the Consortium.
Sounds good!
Via Doyce: Guys I have to cancel tonight. The kids need to be picked up at swim and it runs late enough (and enough ofto drop off) I won’t be home til at least 9. I’ve got to head out when we normally start.
Two heads up, but nothing certain yet.
I may or may not be available on Monday the 5th of August due to having to pick up three separate people on three separate flights from the airport (it sucks to be the reliable person with reliable transportation). I don’t have times yet, but it may interfere with part of the evening.
Also, sometime in the next 30 days I should be going to either Korea or Atlanta (crazy amount of variance, I know) for a week on a work trip. If it is Korea, I don’t even want to try and figure out that time zone craziness and will likely skip that Monday’s game.
It would be mid-workday … 8pm Denver time is about 11am (next day) Seoul. So practical from a TZ standpoint, but probably not what they will be paying you to do.
Added an update to the calendar, we’ll see if it shows up correctly.
My Korea trip is still up in the air (the best I’ve got right now is “one week sometime between September 16th and November 4th”) but I will be out for a conference on the week of October 14th. I may be able to attend the game that Monday, but I would also have a hard cutoff point of 10pm (local) time due to needing to be up and out early the next morning.
Yyyeah, the re-arrival of various visiting family members Monday night is uncertain enough that I can’t commit to Margie and my being on (or staying on).
Anyone have opinions on this evening? We’re probably doing downtime, which is fine, though it might be thin if we’re down a couple folks.
I’m down to game still, whatever that means.
Some kind of in-game downtime sounds good, we probably have stuff we can do. Alternately I can use this time to show you guys Genesys after all, depending on what James wants to do.
Stuff we can get into:
- Interactions between Wynn and the PotA - what is the relationship? What more backstory might we hear about?
- Interactions between Rowan and their shaman or other figures - what can we figure out? What’s the deal with the Harbingers these days?
- Wynn, Rowan, and Virens go check out some dangerous ruins with occult significance - Wynn as Ohir representative, Rowan as scholar, Virens as bodyguard, one or more People along because of their local interest.