General Scheduling Thread

With Margie, James, and Mike out, it’s a great week to be having sufficient Internet issues here that I’ve got a techie coming over tomorrow. So if there were thoughts of a stub game of some sorts, I will have to bow out because, damn.


This is the week to make sure everyone’s tech works, and or catch up on forum shenanigans.


Well, Xfinity Acolyte has come and gone, superfluous splitters and amps added by past Xfinity Acolytes now banished to the uttermost darkness, Magic Numbers now within the Sacred Bounds Appointed by the Xfinite Sages, so we’ll see how it goes.


Does anyone have a good suggestion for diagnostics software that does a deep query of the hardware in a system? Motherboard, memory, that kind of thing?

I’ve long since passed the point where I’d just try to reinstall the OS, but the board is set up in some way linux finds unworkable, and Windows 10 won’t do a fresh install over an existing one for some beknighted reason (won’t even show c: as a valid install location).

I’m at my wit’s and patience’s end on the PC problems I’m experiencing. About to replace to fancy Dell gaming rig with this.

No diagnostic in the world will help if the results can’t be turned into a plan of action though. For example, if there’s a legit hardware fault, there’s probably no easy fix at home. In such a case, switching to a different machine might just be better.

True, but if I’m getting an error on a memory module or something I can replace it.

Yeah, I’m just saying don’t feel compelled to go down the rabbit hole if an easy/obvious fix doesn’t present itself :slight_smile:

There’s a DevOps concept called “pets vs. cattle”. You treat your personal hardware like a pet - you want to keep it as it is, and nurture it, and all that great stuff. Cattle, on the other hand, are interchangeable and replaceable. It’s okay to not go full pet even on your home PCs.

My problem is mostly all the pets I have ON the cow. It’s a bit of an ecosystem.

Hardware all looks fine. I need to reinstall.

Per my last post, tomorrow has been decided upon and I won’t be able to make it. In fact, I’ll be working nights until the 4th of next month, so that throws out the game on September 2nd for me as well. Sorry for the late notice.

Also Doyce, my offer still stands.

You never go full pet with any piece of computer equipment. You can try, but it always ends in heartbreak.

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I’m positive I can fill up my evening working on my stupid computer/packing the camper for this weekend. That said, I’m also willing to do some kind of ‘meanwhile, back at the school’ thing. Or something else entirely.

We’re out of town most of this weekend, but I’m down to work on this.

It’s… intensely annoying to have a machine barely a year old, with 32 gigs of ram, brand new video/audio hardware, more storage than I can fill… and I have to prepare for the Wednesday game with a upgrade/install check, full reboot just before the game, and HOPE everything stays working long enough to stay on Discord and have two browser windows open for ~3 hours without becoming unuseable.

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So, are we doing something? I’m fine either way, just, you know, planning.

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Looks like a “no, not doing something.”

That’s chill. Take care of whatever you need to take care of. Have a fun trip. Mike have a good time at work. All that sort of things.

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K. I think Mike’s still out.

Computer is nuked/mostly reinstalled. I haven’t seen the lock-up problems return, but JFC the whole machine is touchy about audio/mic settings.

I think I only lost one game session recording, and I’m addressing that, so I’m not in a depression spiral about that (stupid stupid) logistics error, as much as I was.

One of the reasons I’ve been trying to make the desktop work out is because I need a stable, always-on device to play local server, and we’ve got a new 4-bay synology arriving today, so maybe that problem is going away. We’ll see.

Stupid wireless corsair headphones won’t hold a charge anymore, so I have a replacement battery coming in, and a 4 minute youtube video on swapping it in, which I like a lot better than buying a new one.

TL;DR - on the technological mend, not yet back on my feet. (Still need to rebuild all my OBS settings, if nothing else, and there’s far more to do than “if nothing else” implies.


Yep, still out for one more week. If things finish up early on my end though, I’ll try to stop by in the Discord chat.


Thanks for the update, and hope that things are trending the right direction.

I seriously considered the Corsair battery replacement thing when my headset battery went south, but (a) I really wanted to get the current generation (with mic boom flip to mute), and (b) the video seemed very, very fussy to me for how to replace the battery, so I decided to just buy a new one (and treat the old headset as a corded spare).

FWIW, since the Xfinity tech’s visit, our connection has been rock solid, no Internet drops at all, and we’ve managed some video chats with no problem at all, so I think (knocks wood, makes a small sacrifice) we’re good, tech-wise.

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It occurs to me that this line was making me nervous that I hadn’t communicated well before - I’m still in a bit of tech-limbo and can’t do a game tonight.

Probably I already said this, but just in case I didn’t say it well, I’m repeating myself.

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I for one was not aware.

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That’s how I interpreted

but I was unclear in my response. Sorry for any panic or uncertainty.