Incorrect Quotes - Sessions 0-1

Put your non-canonical exchanges between PCs or NPCs here

Agent 1337: On this team we have a Policy Against Kiln.
Joe Young: Don’t you mean against killing?
Agent 1337: The director was very specific.

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Kiln: What’s going on here?
Agent 1337: Kitchen Sync and I are helping each other train.
Joe Young: It looks like you’re shooting at him with a pistol.
Agent 1337: Yeah. I shoot, he dodges. Training’s over when I’m out of ammo or he’s out of breath.

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[Okay, I am getting worried about Agent 1337 …]


Mette: You have bionic modifications. They are mechanical?
Agent 1337: Yeah
Mette: Isn’t that quite primitive?
Agent 1337: It’s okay, the hamster on the wheel that powers it all was genetically engineered

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Kiln: Hard boiled eggs are disgusting. I almost died eating one. The crunch-soft mix is absolutely disgusting. It’s like eating a ravioli covered in chips.
Agent 1337: You’re supposed to remove the shell lmao

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Agent 1337: Just leave me to do my dark bidding.
Synchronous: What are you bidding on?
Agent 1337: I’m bidding on a table.

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Kiln: It’s rectangular
Agent 1337: Yes
Kiln: And it holds things
Agent 1337: Yes
Kiln: So it is technically still a box
Agent 1337: For the last time, it’s XBox, not “ex-box”

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Agent 1337: A fantasy warrior, a far-future genemod, and a gorilla all walk into a bar…
Synchronous: What possible punchline is there here?
Agent 1337: Nothing, I’m forging fake IDs for the team


Joe: If our plan goes poorly, where should we meet up?
Agent 1337: The afterlife, I suspect.

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Mette: You can feel the history coming from the walls in here.
Synchronous: Yes, isn’t it wonderful?
Joe, brawling with Kiln: Not when the history fights back!

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Synchronous: You two get along okay, right?
Mighty Joe Young: these days
Synchronous: These days?
Agent 1337: Well when we first met, I said “I don’t mean to pry, mate…”


Agent 1337: I’m the most responsible person in this group.
Joe: You literally just launched a bunch of missiles at us.
Agent 1337: And I take full responsibly of that.


Kiln: Is 4 a lot?
Alex: Depends.
Alex: Dollars? No.
Alex: Murders? Yes.


Mighty Joe Young: I cannot fit into school as I am now
Synchronous: Stop thinking of yourself as just a silverback, and imagine yourself as a fullback


Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to never sleeping and having caffeine for blood.
~Syncronous, at some point


Synchronous, through a mouthful of food: Can cheese go bad? I’m eating this cheese and it tastes kinda funny, but also I’m hungry.
Joe: [deep sigh]

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Mette: I hope Kiln and Synchronous haven’t done anything stupid.
37: Whatever they are doing right now is probably pretty stupid.


Synchronous: Agent 1337! You need a costume with your symbol
Alex: That’s sunglasses and an earpiece
Alex: Also, that’s my internal AEGIS designation, not a good hero callsign
Synchronous: What hero name do you use then?
Alex: Haven’t thought about it
Alex: How about Commander Awesome?

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37: We need to think, how do we usually get out of these messes?
Joe: We don’t. We just make a bigger one that cancels the first one out.


Troll: So, you’ve finally arrived - what the hell is that?
Kiln, mismatched clothes and no shoes: Its my ass-kicking outfit. What, you got a problem with it?

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