Incorrect Quotes - Sessions 7-11

Alex: we should do video game cosplay for Halloween
Alex: Joey, Mette, and Roddy can do Donkey Kong
Alex: Kiln can do Legend of Zelda
Roddy: what would you go as?
Alex: Bionic Commando
Joey: any more ape cracks and I’ll bury you in the desert like E.T.


Roddy: what are you always writing in your notebook anyway?
Nono: ummmm stuff for ships
Roddy: I hope you can be a professional writer, so you can put some of this on “sail”


Nono: is there um, anyone you like?
Joey: (embarrassed) maybe
Nono: hmm. Anyone you don’t like? That you fight with?
Joey: oh yeah. Hunter, Roy, Evan…
Nono: (scribbles furiously)


Nono: I will write your English Lit term paper for you if you tell me one secret nobody else knows.
Joey: Nope. No way. Nothin’ doin’.
Nono: Darn, you’re the only member of your group I haven’t gotten at least some material from. Even Mette eventually shared something.
Joey: I will write your English Lit term paper for you if you let me see your notebook for one minute.


Joey: what secret did you share with Nono?
Alex: uh, that I like show tunes
Joey: so you lied. Figures.
Alex: yeah, haha, I lied
(after Joey leaves)
Alex: (singing) What good is sitting alone in your room, come hear the music play, life is a cabaret, old chum, come to the cabaret


Kiln: I don’t understand why Nono is designing boats. Or what they have to do with my secrets.
Alex: I… don’t want to be the one to answer this.
Alex: But I have to ask, what secret did you tell?
Kiln, looks around cautiously: I snuck into the tomb High Priest Aleski, Ruin Conquerer and Weilder of Kerbelion, and cracked part of the relief.
Alex: …

Kiln: She also seemed really disappointing when I said I only had honorable intentions towards Chris.


Roddy: Hey, I heard Alex told Nono he liked show tunes.
Joey: (snorts) I know, ridiculous. Show tunes. (snorts)
Roddy: Right? She’s gotta see through it, though. Any time now.
Joey: Absolutely. Once she sleeps on it. Tomorrow morning.
Roddy: No question. One more dawn.
Joey: One more day.
Roddy and Joey: (in harmony) ONE DAY MORE!


Kiln: I don’t understand Nono’s obsession with “shipping.”
Mette: To sail across the sea of stars is to find your destiny.
Alex: You can track the world’s economy through the movement of container vessels across the Pacific and Atlantic.
Joey: All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.
Alex: Wait, you’re a Star Trek nerd?
Mette: I believe I am the team’s star trek representative.
Roddy: Yacht-zee!
Kiln: You people are so weird.


Alex: okay you two. Best dirty joke from your respective times.
Kiln: what did the farm girl say after kissing the gnome? Okto-rok!
Alex: … What?
Kiln: (slower and louder) ok-to-rok
Mette: oh god, I guess I have to. There once was a pilot named Kate, who stayed under maximum weight, she altered her genes, through various means, but pumped up her C12 O8!
Alex: I have no words
Mette: I know! I was blushing the first time I heard it too!


Alex: in a way I’m jealous
Joey: how so?
Alex: your disguise makes you look human, and people are primed to look for human features. I wish I could put on or take off gender expression like clothes, but people keep looking for signs of boyness or girlness no matter what I look like
Joey: isn’t there some kind of high tech solution for you too?
Alex: the Mark 45 oversized sweater is all I can get a budget for


And it’s an ugly Christmas sweater that the department made for last year’s holiday party


Alex: when I try to explain non-binary gender identity to people, sometimes they just don’t get it, or seem like they don’t hear me, and just keep identifying me like they were before. I’ve tried analogies but they don’t always work. How do you solve that problem?
Kiln: I draw my sword
Alex: I should be takin’ notes here

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Poly-anna: (copying Jillian’s appearance) It’s Maroon, Stacey, gawd
Jillian: That’s not funny
Poly-anna: (looking like the Devil) it’s Nekron, Stacey, gawd
Jillian: seriously?
Poly-anna: (looking French) it’s Macron, Stacey, sacre bleu!
Jillian: at least you’ve been paying attention in history.


Emma: So you and me, we’re both on the wrong side of the law, right?
Paul: (shrugs)
Emma: So I figure we gotta have something in common, right?
Paul: (shrugs)
Emma: Fine, right to the point. I made a bet with Nono that I could get more than two words outta you.
Paul: You lose


An old Calvin Coolidge joke? Who says this game isn’t edumacational?

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Roddy: what can you tell me about my future fighting supervillains?
Mette: well you know those batons or sticks that vigilantes use to fight crime?
Roddy: yeah…?
Mette: I think they are also known as “rods”. You might be why!
Roddy: I… I want to believe that


Evan: You’re from the future, right? Tell me what I’m known for.
Mette: I mustn’t! I cannot!
Evan: What, afraid that I’ll change something and not become the most famous and beloved –
Mette: You are the Meme.
Evan: – the what-now?
Mette: Everyone in the future knows your picture, that one pose, that one facial expression, that one gesture, that one phrase, laughed over and mocked and parodied and used as a template on a thousand different homecells on the metaweb.
Evan: What could I possibly --?
Mette: (whispering) Never, ever, make a comment about cabbage.


Alex: Evan, go check out “Avatar: the Last Airbender”!


Kiln: I don’t get why everyone is so obsessed with the future. I’m living in it and I’m missing so much.
Mette: You’re right. If we live in the future then we lose out on the present.
Kiln: No literally. What do you mean you don’t have flaskkottet on a stick? The world has seriously gone downhill.


Hunter: you don’t even have powers. You don’t belong here with people like us. You should just leave.
Nono: I can’t blast people with heat vision, but I can make you play a very dangerous game of Is This Safe to Drink for the rest of your life
Hunter: … forget I said anything

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