Menagerie Card Help


Never, except for the offers I’ve already made of getting some character concept art made ahead of time.

Certainly fair. It definitely would feel wrong if Rossum did not make an appearance as Leo’s nemesis (and because of the shenanigans involved with his storyline, he’s going to be in two different decks :slight_smile:).

One thing that I will note is that I have an environment tentatively up on the board just called “Prison Break” that would involve a mass escape of villains from AEGIS custody that’s just a big excuse for include minor characters like Professor Midnight and the All-Nighters and originally Hannibal Lectric, though the pivot to have him as a Vengeance Villain has changed that. Similarly, this was also an excuse to include cards for Parker, Waters, and Agent 1337, but given that Alex is currently slated for a hero deck, they’re also off the list for that. So there’s definitely room for expanded lore villains for folks. I’ve long been amused with the idea of an actual Fairy Princess that has it out for Radiance and might try to wedge them in here.

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