Menagerie Card Help

Mercury’s officially all finished up and I am on a break from Sentinels stuff (sort of, don’t judge).

There’s still a bit of digital tidy work I need to work on, like writing up Mercury’s details, prepping files, and (the biggie) writing a bio for the Silver Speedster. And let me tell you it’s difficult to sum a character’s story up into ~600 words and 8 paragraphs and, as I’m now known for in the Digital community, a snappy opening line. Hopefully it reads well and I caught all of Mercury’s essential plotlines from the Game Era of the Menagerie, but if not please let me know what I can punch up.

Also, I’ve been working on some sketches for characters who are going to be showing up in the next deck’s (Concord’s) artwork:

Leo’s technically appeared in Menagerie card art before but it’s not a great look at him out of his armor, which is how I think he’s most likely to appear in Adam’s cards, so I put together a turn around of him.

Keri’s also someone who has shown up before (Why are all these people only shown from behind?!) and while if I focus on the Game Era exclusively, she’s probably going to show up in her classic outfit, I’m really tempted to cameo her as La Cordera. Bill’s been doing lots of fun stuff with her in Menagerie Megaverse. (Go read Megaverse, it’s fun cosmic stuff!)

Speaking of Cosmic, Octava was also a fun side character from the space end of things that I’d like to include. (Maybe being rescued from the Blot?) And while the look reference to the opera singer from the Fifth Element was a fun bit for a limited audience, I feel like I’m going to need to change up that design a little. Liking the face, but everything else still reads a little “TNG alien guest star” for my liking (like the ones from species that never show up again).

There’s also going to a cameo of a particular little bug, but I think we’re all aware I know how he’s supposed to look at this point. :wink:

As always, thanks for any help anyone would like to give, even if it’s just “skim the bio, check for spelling mistakes.” An extra set of eyes always helps. :slight_smile: