The Pandimensional Pandemoniac Menagerie Sleepover


Goodbyes, Newman edition.

Goodbyes, Alycia edition.

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Damned dust in here …


The Noir universe. The divergence point for this universe was around Issue 21, where the cemetery bomb went off.


We’re sort of setting up the situation in the Noirverse here (to be continued on the next page), but for me there’s so much fun in how “Summer as torch singer” comes together. In this universe, she’s Autumn, singing at Jason’s club, doing Ethel Waters’ “Am I Blue”, which works on so many levels. Her existence as a hologram had her literally as translucent blue, but the lyrics (“I’m just a woman who’s only human”, “If each plan with your man / Done fell through”, and “There was a time / When I was his only one”) fit her so well, and for an added bonus, Batman (another superhero) covered the song too.


And here I thought the adventure was almost over with the last set of updates only to find out today that there’s still more come. Very excited to see what the Noir-verse has in store for us.

There’s not going to be a ton of story (at least here - if someone gets a bug for more stories in the Noir-verse, I can do more comics), but just enough to present the concept and say what I want to say for an epilogue for the sleepover. :slight_smile:

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I’m just happy to see where this goes. Even it is a short detour into the Noir-verse, I am excited to see how this fits into the larger overall story.


A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.


An ally in an alley.


Dynamic shots?! I like them, really sets a noir/mystery tone. Really I like everything with with Noir-verse so far.

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Nobody’s ready for Summer.

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No running boards or tommy-guns, but this Otto is modeled on a 1938 Phantom Corsair, the prototype supercar of its day. Like his teammates, Otto had to blend in to avoid detection by Vyortovia, but he still can’t do it without some sense of style.

I’m assuming that the Twilight Glade/Grove is still some kind of central base for the team, and that the portaling that’s being done in this comic is done there, for safety.

Summer did indeed bring snacks for everyone.

I think both Jason and Alycia have demonstrated that on numerous occasions.


If there’s one person trained and inclined to protect a group under oppression from tyrants …

On the other hand, this world’s Alycia may not have been betrayed by her father (yet)…

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The Noir universe gets a fighting chance.

Summer learns a lesson. The conversation in question.